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Facebook Post Comment like Buy Strategies to Improve Visibility on Social Networks

Being on the internet is not enough. Facebook post comment like buy the important thing is to have an online presence and create a loyal community around our brand. Today we show you 8 strategies to improve your visibility on Social Networks so that you can reach more people.

Very often we hear that if you are not on the internet you do not exist. But you may not know that you can be on the internet in many ways, and not all of them are good.

Many small businesses “create a Facebook,” update it every four weeks, and think the job is done. Because they are already on the internet. And this is the important thing. Well unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

The difficult thing is not being on Social Networks: the difficult thing is being visible on Social Networks and creating a community around our brand that is loyal, that responds to our requests, Facebook post comment like buy that helps us grow and attract new customers.

To help you be a little more visible, today we want to leave you with these 8 strategies to improve visibility on Social Networks.

Put them in motion and you will see, little by little, how you are becoming a little more visible in the immense digital ocean.


Although this may seem very obvious, it is more common than it seems to us to take the first photo we find and publish it.

Choose visual content that is really attractive: that draws attention.

Write the text carefully. Be mindful of grammar and spelling, and always proofread what you’ve written before posting.

It is very necessary that you publish contents that can be useful for the reader. Ask yourself if you are satisfying the needs of users and if what you publish is relevant and can become viral.

If you think that the content is not interesting for your target audience, rethink it. By investing a little more time, you will surely find content that better suits your audience.


To reach as many people as possible, Facebook post comment like buy it is interesting that we publish our content when our audience is active.

And, how can we know when our users are active?

Very easy, since the same Facebook statistics already inform you about the hours of most activity.

You just have to go to your Fanpage > Statistics > Publications > Hours and you will be able to see which are the most active moments of your users. Interesting, right?

In Publications > Days you will also be able to see which days are the ones that work best.

Taking into account all this data will allow you to publish the best content on the days with the most activity, and reserve the less important content for the days with fewer connections.

We recommend that you write it down on your calendar to always keep it in mind.


If you want to increase the community of your networks, Facebook post comment like buy try to get as many people as possible to reach them.

How? Well, by providing links to them from all possible sites. Put links on your blog, on your website, in your newsletter or in the signature of your email.

The more links you have, the easier it will be for users to reach your social networks and increase your reach.


A Call to Action, or Call to Action, is a button or text located on your website or blog that encourages potential customers to take a specific action. For example, a button with the text “subscribe now!” or “sign up now!”

Do you want the user to follow you on your Social Networks? Well, ask him. Add “Call to Action” to your posts asking your readers to follow you on social media.

An example of a fun “call to action” would be this, from the Fever 40 blog, which gave away an Inbound Marketing dictionary and prompted readers with the text “GIVE IT TO ME”.

As you can see, it is a powerful “Call to Action”, which differs from the competition and speaks to the user in a totally informal and direct way.


What premise needs every answer? The existence of a question.

Well, if you want users to respond and engage with your brand, you better start asking questions.

Encouraging interaction within your community will ensure the good health of your page, since it is really interesting that your users are active.

Don’t just create rhetorical questions, design questions that the user is tempted to answer. You can also create posts that generate engagement Facebook post comment like buy. For example, if you have a travel agency, you can post a photo of an idyllic place and put “tag the friend you would go to this place with” as a copy.


Designing contests and raffles will help you a lot to grow your community on Social Networks. Every time a fan enters the contest and comments, Facebook post comment like buy the visibility of the contest increases, so you can reach more users.


A good idea to increase visibility on social networks is to take advantage of those publications that already have a few interactions and promote them.

Having a few likes already will help make it easier for new users you are targeting to engage with the brand. As we mentioned at the beginning, Facebook post comment like buy make sure you introduce an impressive image and a powerful copy that does not leave you indifferent.


Always monitor what the trending topics are and use popular hashtags to get more visibility.

Using highly searched hashtags will help many users who are unaware of your brand find it. Of course, Facebook post comment like buy make sure that the use of the hashtag is consistent and that it is well integrated with your content and brand.

Well, so far our 8 strategies to improve visibility on Social Networks. And you, have you put any of these tactics into practice? How have they worked for you? Leave us a comment telling your experience.

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Facebook Post Buy like Data and Tips to Improve Engagement on Facebook

A digital marketing strategy in social networks must consider the particular conditions and trends of each network. In this sense, Facebook post buy like the users of each social network react in certain ways to the publications, so knowing some trends can help adjust the strategy to obtain greater engagement.

Data and tips to improve engagement on Facebook

Facebook does not escape this reality. That is why we present some data and advice that may be useful to improve the interaction of followers with the content published on this social network:

Posts with photos boost engagement

According to a study by Hubspot, Facebook post buy like publications with photographs reach -on average- 53% more likes and receive 104% more comments than those publications that are not accompanied by an image. In addition, a publication with an image can get 84% more clicks towards a link included in it.

This means that anyone responsible for the social media strategy of any organization should consider increasing the use of images in their posts on Facebook, Facebook post buy like not only to improve the interaction of the public within the social network itself, but also to increase the traffic to your website.

Posts with a short text get more interaction

Posts with 80 characters or less are capable of generating 66% more likes and comments than those that exceed this number of characters. This information shows that it is preferable to spend more time trying to think of a fairly short and impressive message than to try to write long messages that, Facebook post buy like although they may have better developed content, end up not generating more interaction on the part of followers.

Frequent posting is positive, up to a point

Generating posts with a certain frequency can help generate more interaction in terms of reactions and comments on Facebook. However, it is not recommended to publish excessively. In this sense, Facebook post buy like companies that publish between 1 and 2 times a day obtain a greater amount of interaction -up to 40% more- than those that do it more than 3 times. Likewise, those who post 4 or fewer times a week get up to 71% more engagement than those who post more than 5 times.

This means that, although it is important to publish frequently on Facebook to stay in the top-of-mind of followers, increasing the frequency indefinitely will not have better results.

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Facebook Like Post Buy to Increase Engagement on Your Facebook Page

If you upload the same content to Facebook as to the rest of the social networks without it taking effect Facebook like post buy, or you get desperate trying to create content to grow your fan page on this platform. Look no further, this is the post you were looking for.

Here I tell you the best tips to follow to increase engagement on your Fanpage, Facebook like post buy to get the most out of this wonderful social network that has seen us almost grow.

  • Why is Facebook still so important to your brand?
  • What is engagement?
  • Steps to follow

Why is Facebook still so important to your brand?

Facebook offers you the opportunity to create a close community, as well as directly announce the news of your brand or company to the public. If this does not convince you, let’s look at the numbers, which do not usually deceive. Facebook has been the most used social network for years and is growing daily. 45% of the population is online, so stop waiting and if you still don’t have a Fanpage for your brand, don’t wait any longer.

What is engagement?

“Engagement”, like many marketing terms, comes from English, the exact translation would be commitment, but it goes beyond the purchase or use of a brand’s services. It is one of the factors that companies and marketing teams take into account the most, since it determines the commitment established between the brand and its audience and is a way of measuring the interaction for each publication. It helps positioning and indicates good brand management.

Creating engagement requires time and dedication, but it is one of the most effective ways to retain our audience, to create lasting relationships and to make the purchase or use of your service more than just a transaction, Facebook like post buy it is an experience. This requires not only the creation of quality content, but also constant interaction, building trust and sharing brand values ​​through your content.

Steps to follow:

  • Create quality and exclusive content for Facebook
  • Use Creator Studio
  • Post less
  • Share current content and content from other accounts
  • Make Facebook Live
  • Call to action
  • Influencer marketing
  • Continuously interact and participate

Create quality and exclusive content for Facebook

We must bear in mind that all social networks are different and we must adapt to the particularities of Facebook for our posts to work. You can use Hootsuite or Buffer to edit your posts according to each platform and thus optimize your time.

Use Creator Studio

Analyze which of your posts perform best with Creator Studio. You must take into account: schedules, impressions, reach and of course the content to find out what works best on your Fanpage. Our advice is that you keep trying until you find the key.

Post less

No, we haven’t gone crazy. You don’t have to spend your day creating endless content on this social network. To increase engagement we must always take into account the algorithm of this platform. According to Buffer’s analysis, Facebook like post buy posting less increases reach and engagement, since Facebook’s goal is to increase interaction and improve the user experience. Make fewer posts, but of higher quality.

Share current content and content from other accounts

Good news, on Facebook you don’t have to spend the day posting and thinking about what to upload, you can share content that is trending. It may seem counterproductive, Facebook like post buy but the essential thing is that your followers have more interaction with your account. It is also important that you share content on your fanpage that your followers share, in this way your brand will feel closer.


Videos are essential, Facebook likes that you upload videos apart from images. According to a study by Buzzsumo, videos are the most shared content on this platform. Your videos must be adapted to the platform to be effective. Use a ratio of 1:1, square and always try to add subtitles as most Facebook users view without sound. You can add graphics and good copy to make sure the message gets across. Below is a graph that shows how long your video should be to create more engagement.

Make Facebook Live

Facebook aims to connect its users, therefore, it rewards live broadcasts.

According to Facebook, users spend more time watching live videos compared to playlist videos. Making videos on Facebook live increases engagement notably, since as with audiovisual content, Facebook like post buy the platform rewards (algorithmically speaking) this type of content.

The platform allows you to send notifications to all the followers of your fanpage so that they can connect while you are broadcasting your video live, so they will not miss your content.

Call to action

Make your followers feel heard and that they are part of a community where their opinion matters. Ask for their opinion or ask questions to make them part of the conversation. Call-to-actions increase interaction and therefore engagement. Below is an example of a brand that makes good use of the call to action through questions and surveys. Each new collection they ask which one they like the most or which patterns they prefer, which brings them closer to their followers.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers, as their name suggests, have influence over a large number of people. They have their own communities of followers already created, therefore, it is imperative to analyze which influencers can fit with your brand or which segments you want to reach with your brand so that the work with influencers reaches our target audience.

When you are clear about which influencers are more aligned with your brand and that their followers are part of your target audience, you can invite them to collaborate with you. There are multiple ways to do it and not all of them work in the same way, you may only want them to upload content using or carrying your frame or offer a discount or giveaway for a limited time, but this will significantly increase the interactions on your fanpage and the engagement.

Continuously interact and participate

You have to be part of the community. It is useless to create good content if you do not respond to comments or questions in your inbox. You must encourage dialogue on your fanpage.

All these tips are very effective as well as generic. You must not lose sight of your objectives and the values ​​of your brand. Try which are the methods that best adapt and work for your brand (there is no one like it). Remember that it must be profitable, you do not have to flood your fan page with raffles or discounts that end up costing you more, increasing engagement takes time.

I hope that these steps have been helpful to increase engagement on your Facebook page and do not forget to comment if we have missed something or if they have had an effect on you.

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What is Engagement, How to Measure It and Why It Is So Relevant to Your Digital Strategy can You Buy Likes for a Facebook Post

Within the digital world there are many words that we have imported from English, due to the lack of an appropriate translation for what they represent. One of these, can you buy likes for a Facebook post and one that is really important for digital marketing, is engagement, whose literal translation would be: commitment or bonding, as we prefer.

However, this translation remains somewhat general since engagement refers to the level of commitment of a consumer or user with a brand. This goes beyond purchases, and also takes into account the interactions, the identification of the client with what the brand represents, etc. That is why we wanted to talk about the importance of engagement, can you buy likes for a Facebook post the types and what and how it is measured.

Why engagement is so important

Engagement is not something that happens overnight. This concept grew and expanded thanks to digital transformation and, especially, can you buy likes for a Facebook post social networks and other media that allow constant interaction with users. It is a consolidation that brands achieve after multiple strategies and actions aimed at conquering, captivating and eliminating discomfort or points of friction for users.

Among other things, it encompasses constant interaction, trust, and even empathy with the company’s values, perceptions, and messages. This translates into long-lasting, sustainable and deep relationships, based on sensitive shopping experiences.

Types of engagement

We can talk about the following types of engagement when we are in the digital and business environment:

  • Of employee, or employee engagement: it reflects the relationship between a company and its employees occurs when there is such enthusiasm, which is reflected in a work commitment that goes beyond what is expected and translates into a performance that is out of the norm.
  • Customer, or customer engagement: occurs when a consumer or customer becomes a promoter of a brand or product at any stage of their buyer cycle.
  • In marketing, or marketing engagement: it refers to the actions that a brand includes in its strategy to increase the engagement it has with its customers and followers.
  • User, or user engagement: talks about the interactions that people have in the different digital channels that exist with a brand or product.
  • From social networks, or social engagement: it focuses on the communication that is promoted in the profiles of social networks and their performance.

One of the environments in which the term is used the most is precisely this, around social networks, where it reflects the communication relationship between the brand’s profiles in each social network and its followers. In the case of eCommerces, can you buy likes for a Facebook post this occurs when a consumer becomes an active promoter of the brand, that is, when they have a certain level of trust in it and make it known.

Although it may sound abstract, this factor can be easily measured, with different metrics that vary according to the platform, social networks, blogs, stores, etc. It is even possible to measure it in email marketing strategies or in advertisements, as we explain in this video.

Just as it is possible to measure it in each of these sectors of the digital landscape, the aspects to take into account for measurement also vary. For example, to measure the engagement of a banner, metrics such as the bounce rate, session duration, page views, user comments, brand mentions and backlinks are taken, since these are the ones that most accurately reflect the interaction of the user within this type of platform.

How engagement should be calculated

Currently the most widespread way to calculate engagement is the one published in 2012 by Social Bakers, which proposes the sum of the number of likes, can you buy likes for a Facebook post comments and shares of a publication divided by the number of followers and is the formula used by most agencies and digital marketing tools.

In this formula, the same value is being assigned to all interactions, when each one of them presents a different level of relationship with the user. For example, sharing a publication implies that the user approves its content and endorses it to show it to others and a like simply shows some interest in it.

However, as a simpler and at the same time more effective model than the sum of the interactions, we bring this other formula, in which we weight each type of interaction. In this also, the total value of followers is discarded, because even if there is a large number, it is not always possible to reach everyone with the same content.

In this way, having a specific value for each interaction and contrasting it with the number of people who have seen the publication, it is possible to achieve a more realistic result on engagement. With this said, it only remains to give the necessary impulse so that the interactions take place.

And be careful, because in each social network there will be a different goal to achieve: while on Facebook and Twitter, a good engagement ratio would be between 0.5 and 1%, on Instagram if you have those numbers you can burst into tears. On Instagram, theirs is to have between a 3.48 and a 6.67% engagement percentage.

How to improve engagement?

It is necessary to know that the term engagement goes beyond social networks, so we should not only emphasize our social networks if what we are looking for is to create a strong link or commitment from our followers towards our brand.

Some actions used to improve commitment or engagement are the following:

  1. Encourage, prompt and challenge them to engage and be interactive with your brand
  2. Surprise them with actions or things that they would not expect from you, do not stay only on social networks.
  3. Always respond to their questions or comments.
  4. Try to have the best solution for their incidents or doubts, with the aim of always having them pleased.
  5. Encourage user-created content.
  6. Measure the results. To really make progress in your engagement, you will need to ask yourself what your goals are and translate them into a series of key metrics or KPIs.

Currently, social networks provide many opportunities to interact between a profile and its followers, which increases the chances of achieving better engagement. For that, can you buy likes for a Facebook post it is good to use participatory content, which invites the user to an action, such as trivia or contests. It is also good to be attentive to comments, personal responses are a great incentive for the relationship with users.

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How to Increase Engagement with Followers on Our Facebook Pages Can You Buy Facebook Post Likes

The act of advertising on Facebook will not only benefit us now can you buy Facebook post likes, but it will also benefit us in the future. If we want to increase our popularity, we must create messages that encourage interaction.

In recent months, the organic virality of Facebook has been drastically decreased. Our messages reach a very low percentage of our followers, and this strongly influences the level of engagement we have with them. In fact, according to a report presented by the company last September, can you buy Facebook post likes the reach on Facebook was reduced between 5% and 40%. For this reason we must increase our efforts if we do not want to lose the trust and commitment of our followers.

Thus, there are three actions that we can carry out and that will help us increase our organic positioning and the engagement of our brands on Facebook.

What will you find here?


Understand how Facebook works

The first thing we have to do is understand how the social network really works today and what factors influence positioning. Well, broadly speaking, we can define it as the whiting that bites its tail, that is, the more followers who interact with the brand, the more it will be shown to them. In other words, if we get our followers to “like”, share or comment on our posts, can you buy Facebook post likes Facebook will show them our new messages more often on their wall.

On the contrary, if our followers do not interact with our messages, the social network will understand that we do not share content that interests or likes them, so it will penalize us by lowering our visibility.

Payment positioning

The social network is trying to promote its paid actions. Therefore, the fact of advertising on Facebook, promoting messages or getting new fans, will not only benefit us today, but it will also benefit us in the future. That is, if, for example, we promote a post, it will get more likes, comments, people who share it. And that is when we come to the previous point, in which Facebook understands that we are sharing content of interest to our followers and rewards us with greater visibility on their wall.

Organic positioning

Now, at this point and when we already understand that we have to get our users to interact with our messages, we have two options: either invest in advertising, can you buy Facebook post likes or create messages that encourage them to interact with us.

We are now going to put ourselves in this case and explain how we can achieve it:

  • Evoke emotions or feelings: if we arouse the emotions of users, it will be easier for them to interact with us.
  • Ask questions: if we seek the opinions of the followers, if we draw their attention, we will get more comments on our posts.
  • Inspirational phrases or quotes: Lately, can you buy Facebook post likes phrases that inspire or motivate are well received on Facebook. In fact, they reach great heights of virality. Thus, this can be a good content strategy for our brand.
  • Use images or videos: a good update accompanied by eye-catching audiovisual content will capture more attention and interaction.
  • Respond: a very important point is to always respond to user comments, either because they ask us questions, or simply by thanking them for their opinions.

Interaction is the main point to take into account if what we want is to increase engagement with our followers. That is why we should try to call to action and encourage our followers to comment, share or like our posts.

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How to Improve Engagement Using Facebook Stories Can You Buy Facebook Likes to a Single Post

Since stories arrived on Facebook, just over a year ago, the possibility of getting closer to the audience has increased. In fact, so far it has been shown to be one of the best marketing options on the platform, as it has provided a level of visibility that goes beyond contact with an ad.

Using stories can be effective in engaging with audiences as it can help brands effectively engage customers and earn their trust by connecting with people.

In other words, it has been proven that Facebook videos can attract the attention of audiences and increase engagement. So the fact of narrating stories, can you buy Facebook likes to a single post which is handled as a visual action through videos, is a powerful combination, which takes as reference a trend to have a greater impact on users.

Thus, it is a fact that Facebook stories are very popular. According to Facebook reports, they already have 150 million active users on a daily basis. Compared to Instagram, it already has just over a quarter of its total user base (500 million).

Why use Facebook stories for business?

When Facebook announced that it would have the stories section on its platform, it was a surprise, since months before it had barely implemented them on its flagship platform, Instagram.

Meanwhile, after all the changes that have been made, they have capitalized on this experience, which added to WhatsApp States, there is an excellent function that can be used. Especially commercially.

Here’s what you can do to improve Facebook engagement

1. Go beyond promotion

Having an effective social media strategy involves much more than simply promoting a brand. Finally, can you buy Facebook likes to a single post it is a fact that you need to think beyond promotion to actively engage your audience. While some people want to know about products, offers, and discounts, others may seek the essence of a brand and how it develops based on customer engagement.

To engage them and get them to know a firm on a more personal level, stories can help. For example, to announce the launch of new products or services or to share different kinds of achievements and celebrate milestones.

Even sharing photos and videos about the management team behind a brand provides a way to reach audiences through a glimpse into a company’s organizational culture.

2. Post brand-focused content

Facebook stories offer effects and filters to make them more attractive. This can be used when editing content before posting to Facebook. Through filters or dynamic actions, the visualization becomes more fun and impressive.

However, these components must be aligned with a brand image. As long as you have a working strategy that improves the quality of the filters, the fonts used, colors and themes consistent with the image of a brand, the tactic could shine.

3. Build Unique Content

Although it is possible to launch an Instagram story on Facebook, using the same content on both platforms can be a strategy that, instead of printing quality, adds a sense of loss to it.

Each platform is unique and has its own set of features and benefits. For example, on social channels, some of the audience might be on both platforms so posting the same content on both can be off-putting. Then, creating a personalized marketing approach through content and based on the platform the target audience is on will be enough to stand out.

4. Create memorable content

What is better than videos to make a good impression in the mind of the public? Provide an excellent customer experience. It’s a great way to increase loyalty and retention.

What is better than videos to leave a lasting impression on the minds of your audience? The act of creating stories provides a great experience for the audience. When done right, videos can create a deep impact and enhance the experience, but Facebook Stories make it possible to produce exceptional micro videos, can you buy Facebook likes to a single post experiment with different marketing strategies, or announce an event.

Collaborative stories can also be effective and impactful. Having a story featuring an influencer on a social media platform, or an industry expert, can significantly increase the reach of a brand.

5. Go instant

Facebook Stories content is short-lived, only existing for 24 hours. Although some may think that they cannot do much to help marketing tactics and strategies, this aspect makes them more interesting, can you buy Facebook likes to a single post since the transience creates a sense of urgency that users seek to take advantage of.

That is, there is a FOMO (fear of missing out) in the audience. When people follow a brand on social media, they want to stay up to date on new products and offers. Stories make this possible, as creating time-sensitive content can successfully grab customers’ attention.

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Buying Facebook Post Likes Ideas to Boost Engagement on Your Social Networks

Now that you know a little better what engagement is, buying Facebook post likes important it is for your brand and how it is calculated, you are surely wanting to take action. Certain?

Great! Today I bring you some tips to achieve a real connection with your audience and boost your engagement on social networks:

1. Use a close tone adapted to each network

As a general rule, a user enters social networks in a relaxed moment and therefore, buying Facebook post likes using a close and friendly tone is the most appropriate.

It is also important to adapt the message and use a different tone for each network, because the user does not search for the same thing, nor does he behave in the same way, when entering a general platform like Facebook than when entering a professional network like LinkedIn.

In addition, users, bombarded by a multitude of stimuli on networks and other digital channels, tend to value better brands that add value with their content, buying Facebook post likes either with useful information or entertainment.

That is why in your Social Media strategy you cannot miss a tone and style manual according to the social channels in which you have a presence, as well as a good content plan for social networks.

2. Share top content

If you want to increase Social Media Engagement you have to work hard.

As I was telling you, users (I’m sure it happens to you too) receive a multitude of impacts and to stand out, you must be able to captivate them based on authenticity and creativity.

It is very important that you publish valuable content for your audience. Do not focus only on publications that make your brand and its actions known, buying Facebook post likes but also offer useful information capable of providing added value depending on the phase of the customer journey.

Pay special attention to your content strategy for social networks and bet on those that arouse interaction, and therefore, have more ballots to increase engagement and go viral.

This is where visual and interactive content comes into play, such as:

  • Infographics.
  • Gifs.
  • Carousel of images.
  • Videos.
  • Questionnaires.
  • Tools and functionalities (such as templates and calculators).
  • Downloadable (such as ebooks).

In this sense, storytelling and Branded Content can also help you.

3. Respond to comments in a personalized way

Although it may seem obvious, in order to improve interaction and engagement on social networks, you have to be social.

When one of your fans sends you a direct message or leaves a comment on one of your posts, buying Facebook post likes they are giving you the opportunity to chat with them. Don’t waste it!

A timely and personalized response can help you improve their perception of your brand. Always respond to comments, at least with a like or an emoji.

And of course, in addition to thanking the positive messages, respond to the negative comments. If a user shows her dissatisfaction, it is time to show your face and defend your company’s position in a cordial and polite manner; apologize or correct (if necessary); in addition to being interested in collecting information and being able to provide a solution.

4. Publish your content just in time

Social network users are not connected at all hours. If you post something while your audience is away, you will miss out on opportunities to gain reach and engagement.

To optimize your results, it is important that you find out when they connect and when are the time intervals in which you get the most interactions.

There are analytics on some social platforms like Facebook and other tools, buying Facebook post likes which provide you with information about the best days of the week and times to post. Use them to establish your own schedules and use only as a guide, the general data that is published for each network.

Something that is also important to keep in mind when sharing just-in-time  content is the importance of being up-to-date with current events and trends in order to ‘jump on the bandwagon’ with those most in tune with your brand. (Always with common sense and without abusing this technique).

For example, you can mark in your network schedule, the key dates for your sector or for the values ​​of your organization (Solidarity Day, Internet Day, Mother’s Day, etc.) to generate and share tailored content.

5. Launch sweepstakes and contests

Dynamic actions such as sweepstakes and contests have great potential to generate engagement on social networks.

If you launch yourself, some keys to optimizing results are:

  • Create a strategy. It is important that you establish objectives and KPIs so that once the action is finished, you can assess whether it has worked well. For example, you can set a rate of X interactions with the launch post if your goal is engagement.
  • Be creative, original and give it a fun touch. If you really want to get the most out of sweepstakes and contests, don’t bore the user just with self-promoting promotions. Think!
  • Offer a sweet treat. In addition to creativity in the way of communicating and invigorating the action, it is important to hit the target with the prize, since it is one of the main motivations of the user to participate.
  • Make it easy for the public. If you are clear about the objectives and regulations based on promotions of this type in the social network you want to use, be clear and concise. It establishes as a participation requirement only what is essential.
  • Use tools that facilitate tasks such as preparing the legal bases, extracting statistics or choosing the winner. For example, we usually use Easypromos, but there are many more, get informed and choose the one that best suits your action!
  • Measure results and take note of the successes and possible points for improvement to propose new social actions with a higher success rate.

6. Collaborate with influencers to share content

Building relationships and collaborating with market influencers like bloggers or social influencers can help you gain visibility and increase social media interactions with your brand.

To break the ice, you can create a list of potential influencers and start interacting with them, commenting on their posts, sharing their content, or citing them as a source of interest in your posts.

In the case of bloggers, if they have a guest section, you can suggest that they generate content of value and interest to their audience with links to your site and/or mentions on networks. In this way, when you share it on your blog, social networks and/or newsletter, you will be able to reach new users.

You can also choose to be more direct and contact people who are popular with your buyers so that they can promote your actions or publications in exchange for a gift, discount or being able to contribute their grain of sand in a charitable action… The important thing is to always think about what somehow be a win-win.

7. Use hashtags relevant to your brand

Researching interesting hashtags for your business or project can help you reach a larger audience that is interested in what you share.

In addition to standing out in your posts, these keywords can help you monitor the discussion on a specific topic, contribute to conversations related to your specialty, buying Facebook post likes position yourself as an expert, or connect with people who use them.

You can use your own hashtags for branding and combine them with other popular ones among your target audience to reach new users.

There are many tools to find the right hashtag. Without going any further, the search engines of the social platforms themselves, such as LinkedIn or Instagram, provide you with information on the number of people who follow a hashtag or the number of posts shared with it, to get an idea of ​​its popularity.

8. Take advantage of the opportunities of Social Media Ads

In addition to burning all the cartridges organically so that the algorithms show what you share, boosting your visibility and engagement with Social Media Ads campaigns can be very effective.

Not everything goes for an ad to help you win interactions, remember that you must be original and generate visual and attractive content, from the headline, to the copy and the last detail of your creativity count!

But if there is something really important, to obtain good results, it is to select the campaign that is most in line with your objective (interactions, branding, etc.) and create a good segmentation to reach your ideal audience.

9. Measure and analyze results to continue improving

And to finish, I have no choice but to remind you that what is not measured cannot be improved.

So do not forget to measure the degree of achievement of the objectives previously set in your Social Media strategy.

To extract data you can use the statistics of each social network or use tools like Metricool or SEMrush Social Media Tracker, among many others.


Working to improve engagement is vital to your brand and requires ongoing strategy and dedication.

It is important to spend time getting to know your audience and analyzing which actions pique their interest and get the best results.

This way you can focus your efforts on those tasks or types of content that provide you with the best return because your fans like it and show it with interactions, and therefore, buying Facebook post likes with a growing commitment to your brand.

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Buy US Facebook Likes on a Post Tips to Improve Engagement on Facebook

Here are the most effective ways to increase engagement on Facebook:

1. – Quality of users VS Quantity

It has been shown after the latest changes made to the Facebook algorithm that having thousands of fans on our Facebook page is not going to help us improve engagement, buy US Facebook likes on a post since it is tremendously more important to get quality fans who are very active in this Social Network.

2. – Forget about long posts

Posts of less than 80 characters have a higher engagement, approximately 25% more.

3. – Ask questions

If we ask questions in our posts on Facebook we can double the number of comments obtained. Remember that the comments a publication receives is also one of the SEO factors, as well as the likes or shares.

4. – Always use infographics in your publications

Choose very well the infographic that you are going to use in your Facebook publication because a good choice of it can capture the attention of our fans and improve engagement on Facebook.

5. – Share experiences

The experiences, success stories, studies and any story told in the first person can be very liked by the fans, buy US Facebook likes on a post and we can make them feel identified with our brand.

6. – Humor is very useful

Humor is a component that, if we know how to use and apply it, buy US Facebook likes on a post can help us improve engagement, since we must not lose sight of the fact that Facebook is and will be a social network for entertainment.

7. – Choose a good publication time

It is essential to know the hours in which our fans are connected on Facebook, in my case the time of greatest impact is 12 pm. to 4 pm ., what is yours?.

8. – Use emoticons in your publications

The use of emoticons in our publications can increase comments by up to 35%.

9. – Quotations, famous phrases and contests

Famous quotes or phrases are the most viral content on Facebook and a good resource that we can use to publicize our brand and improve our Branding.

Who has not participated in a contest on Facebook at some time?

A good contest idea can give us very good results on Facebook. Personally, I always choose Easy Promos to run contests on Facebook, buy US Facebook likes on a post it’s very easy to use and very complete.

10. – Publish content regularly, weekends included

It is important that we are constant and publish content every day, but not only from Monday to Friday, since the weekend is when we can increase Facebook engagement the most.

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Buy UK Facebook Post Likes To Improve Engagement on Social Networks

Today when most people have accounts on social networks, it is important that your brand is also present in them, but this is not enough, the number of followers you have is not enough either, buy UK Facebook post likes the most important thing is the interaction that the followers have fans have with your brand on them.

Learn about some of the strategies in social media management to improve the engagement of your brand. Put them into practice and increase the interaction of your fans.

Don’t just post, talk

Many brands are satisfied with just publishing content and giving “likes” to what fans or followers comment on their posts, this is not enough for engagement, you must also talk and generate communication with the user.

This does not mean that you have to answer all the comments that reach your accounts, select those that you think can move the conversation and add value to your brand.

Show your followers that you care

Social networks allow you to know directly what users think of your products and services and it is important for them to give you their opinion. One way to generate or improve engagement is to create posts that invite your followers to participate, you can use polls or open questions and find out the opinion of your fans.

By knowing what your fans expect from your brand, buy UK Facebook post likes you can create interesting strategies to attract more followers and increase engagement.

May your content add value, not just talk about yourself

Something that tires the followers is that you bombard them only with information about your brand, promotions, etc. Users do not enter social networks to buy, but to be distracted.

Use content that attracts the eye

Keep in mind that very few people just like to read. Most people prefer publications or posts that have a greater graphic weight. Take advantage of publishing this type of post to generate more interaction with your followers: infographics are an excellent idea.

Reward your fans

Fans like to feel like the love they show for your brand is rewarded, one way to reward them is through contests. Take advantage of this resource to generate engagement with your fans and build loyalty. In addition, this strategy is cheaper than paid advertising and can get you a greater number of followers in less time.

Do you have any other tips to help improve engagement? Share it with us! If you need strategies to improve the engagement of your brand, contact us! At EV we will give you the tools and strategy you need.

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Buy Targeted Facebook Post Likes Tip to Increase Engagement

Hosting a giveaway on your Facebook or Instagram page is one of the best ways to increase interactions and engagement with your followers, buy targeted Facebook post likes while giving your posts and brand more visibility. It is a very effective strategy, and also very agile and simple to carry out: first, a post must be published requesting that users participate by liking or commenting, and finally, use an application that is in charge of carrying out the random draw and obtaining the winners.

To begin, you must decide how users have to interact with the post to participate:

  1. By reactions: the winner will be selected from among all the users who have reacted (given “Like” or another of the reactions in the case of Facebook) to the post.
  2. By comments: the winner will be chosen among the users who commented on the post. In this way you can also collect information from your followers, ask them a question and see their answers. In addition, the comment draws have the advantage that you can announce the winner just by responding to the comment that he has used to participate, and in this way the notification will arrive in real time.
  3. For “I like” and comments: the winner must have given “I like” and have commented on the post. This way of doing the giveaway further increases engagement and has the advantages of the two previous ways.
  4. By hahstags: participants who write a comment using the proposed hashtag(s) will be able to participate. With this option, a first filter of participants is carried out and you can also contact them directly. This is useful for making more fun giveaways in which a multiple choice question is asked, the possible answers being the hashtags. In that case, the winner will be chosen randomly from the users who commented with the correct answer hashtag.

An important clarification is that giveaways that include a requirement to share the post, buy targeted Facebook post likes the page, and/or tag friends in the comments, are against Facebook rules, so they will not be included in this contest.

For the assembly of the post:

-Start with the call to action (Call to Action)

It is advisable to start with a phrase that draws users’ attention to invite them to continue reading, for example, if the prize is specified at the beginning of the post, participants will be hooked on the draw more easily. The details of the prize can be described in the rules, buy targeted Facebook post likes and it is also advisable that the prize appears in the image of the draw.

– Always indicate the dates of participation and the duration

It is important to indicate the end date of the contest so that users know until when they can participate.

-Be precise in the requirements:

It is always convenient to put a step by step of what users have to do to participate. For example:

  1. Read the post and the legal bases to be aware of all the requirements.
  2. Write a comment/Like the post.
  3. Share the post with your friends and become a fan of our page to follow all our news (optional).
  4. Stay tuned to our page once the contest is over to find out if you have won.

-The post must contain an image.

This image must be representative, and it is convenient that the prize and/or the question to be answered with the respective answers (if any) appear. If you intend to promote the post, the text cannot occupy more than 20% of the image.

-Do not forget to include a link that leads to the legal bases of the draw and where more detailed information is specified

The description of the prize, the mechanics of participation, the dates, who organizes the contest, how to contact the organizer, etc. This can be done by including a link to the brand’s website where the bases and conditions of the draw can be found.

-Encourage to mention friends in the comments of the post

A good practice to increase the visibility of the contest is to suggest that participants mention their friends in a comment on the post to invite them to participate, challenge them if it is a question through hashtags, or encourage them to tag friends with hashtags. Who would share the prize? It cannot be requested as a mandatory requirement, because as we already mentioned, it goes against Facebook regulations.

-It is convenient to use emoticons

Using them allows you to create a more informal post, closer to the user and its graphic nature can draw the attention of a reader with respect to other posts. For example, the arrows can help you point out important phrases or order the steps to follow.

– Avoid offering prizes that have nothing to do with the brand.

An appropriate prize will prevent the unwanted arrival of prize hunters, who will hide your messages or unfollow your page as soon as your campaign is over. The prizes you offer should interest the participants who are already your customers, or will be in the future.

-Be transparent in the process of how winners are determined

Users are increasingly suspicious of brands that run sweepstakes, and especially those that are not as transparent with how they should select winners. To do this we must write the official rules and be very transparent about how the winners will be selected. People prefer a random draw so they don’t feel like they weren’t chosen for personal reasons. If you’re concerned that a giveaway won’t produce a winner that meets key conditions for your brand (such as age or location), it can be said that the randomly chosen winner may be disqualified if certain criteria are not met and in this case a new draw would be made. It is convenient to use an application that automatically shows the winners of your campaign that have been chosen.

– Convince the winners of the giveaway to post a photo with the prize on your Facebook page.

In this way the rest of the users will be able to see that the draws are real and that anyone can win.

This type of sweepstakes that arise from the interactions with a post increase the visibility of the page, since when someone reacts to a post or comments on it, buy targeted Facebook post likes it appears in the beginning of their friends. Also, if people tag their friends in the post, it ends up getting a lot of organic spread. What are you waiting for to give your page this boost?