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Buy 10 Facebook Post like Effective Strategies to Earn Likes on Facebook

What can brighten your day and life, can also frustrate you when sharing information on your networks and not reaching more than 10, 20 likes and a couple of comments.

A little over a year ago, Mark Zuckerberg announced the famous changes to the Facebook algorithm (that magical combination of programming) reiterating his vision of Facebook: a social network where the user had fun.

Well, when you enter Facebook you could find all kinds of ads, information, fan pages not from the people you cared about the most (your friends) but from a possible unknown world. Zuckerberg and his team did not like this. And for this reason they decided to turn 180 degrees and return to connecting users (profiles) and not pages (fanpage).

The big change in the algorithm happened and many people saw it as the end of everything, as the Apocalypse of social networks that would no longer have the reach that they once had. But far from being dramatic, buy 10 Facebook post like we can affirm that any fan page can have the reach it wants as long as a series of strategies are put into practice that we will talk about below.

How to gain likes and followers on Facebook?

Before listing the strategies that can make your fan page (or your personal profile) more visible and generate greater engagement, buy 10 Facebook post like we must emphasize a basic principle: consistency in publications always achieves the expected results.

1. Post quality content

It might seem obvious, but it is not. Before publishing a text, a photograph or a design, you always have to check that it meets the highest quality standards. Don’t allow yourself misspellings or grammatical errors. Never a photo out of focus or out of frame! And if you will publish a design with a photo and text, always have the best possible resolution, the ideal size and an irresistible punch to attract attention.

2. Create a BLOG with creative content

Do not hesitate: the BLOG is today. Buy 10 Facebook post like and if Facebook discovers that you have one hosted on your website, that it is original and that you frequently feed it with articles of interest to your audience, which you then share as a link on your fanpage, bingo! You’re doing the right thing.

3. Analyze your audience

If you are looking to generate likes and followers on your fanpage, never before has it been so necessary to analyze your audience to start from there when designing a post and seeking engagement with your content.

Determine what audience you want to reach (women, men, women and men), what age and with what tastes. If you start from this information, buy 10 Facebook post like you will be able to build much more accurate and targeted publications and campaigns, which will attract more visitors and increase traffic to your fanpage.

4. That your publications invite Action

It does not mean that in your posts you beg or beg for a like or a comment (this action is penalized by Facebook) but rather invite your audience, with soft and captivating ways, so that, if they liked the publication, they “share” it in their walls. Or if you flat out have too much trust or knowledge of your audience, invite them to “see first” your posts.

Other valid ways to generate an action in your audience is to use in your copy the rhetorical question or the direct question to your audience to wait for a response, and therefore, gain an interaction in your publication.

5. Go live with Facebook Live

It is a pity that both personal profiles and fan pages are using very little of this new Facebook functionality. Broadcasting live with Facebook Live generates much more interaction than any other strategy and incidentally it is a very well-rewarded practice on this social network.

When you “live stream”, all your friends and followers (if they are online and browsing at the time) will see a caption alerting them and inviting them to connect to your stream. In addition, they can share your transmission on their walls and the video, once the live ends, can be published on your wall for as long as you want.