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Buy Facebook Post Likes Instant Strategies to Sell on Facebook

Based on my experience, I can share with you that the question my clients ask me the most is: Can I sell on Social Networks? My answer is yes, in fact, it is one of the main objectives when creating a “Social Media Plan” since it is a process that requires a lot of strategy and time, so do not get impatient and pay close attention to take the right steps.

One of the most common mistakes of people and companies that decide to sell through these means is that they do not have any type of strategy, which leads to a great waste of time and money. So, if your desire to sell on Social Networks is serious, I recommend you hire a specialist, in this case a “Digital Trafficker”.

Keep these recommendations in mind when posting on your Social Networks.

1. – Identify who your target audience is (what type of people you are targeting) The research must be very deep, for this I recommend that you use the EMPATHY MAP where you can define how you should talk to them so that you reach them, which is what that at that moment they need to solve their problem, their interests, etc.

2. – Consider a pricing strategy according to the target audience buy Facebook post likes instant you are working with and who you want to reach, taking into account that it will take time for them to trust you and establish a relationship with your brand.

Design strategies to offer low-value products as well as high-value ones that are always oriented towards solving a relevant problem for your client at that moment.

3. – Analyze your competition, buy Facebook post likes instant in this way you will be able to identify new opportunities and practices to implement them in your business.

4. – Set SMART goals; this refers to being specific in what action you want to achieve, being measurable by defining how much? Having achievable objectives according to your company and its reality, relevant to the company, and how long do I plan to achieve it?

Here come the Strategies

1. – Make a sales funnel on Facebook (which can also be used for another social network)

Its objective is to give all the information to the target customer that you have already defined (and if you did not, focus on it) so that when they decide to buy, they will do so with you. The funnel is made up of 4 stages.

  1. Knowledge: They help you make yourself known; Contests, sweepstakes, Marketing with Influencers, Publications to increase engagement
  2. Consideration: Where we listen to the audience and do everything to know the opinion of the followers; On the other hand, we give a lot of valuable information to our audience and information about our brand and products or services through demo videos, interviews, Facebook Live, Webinars.
  3. Purchase: we carry out promotions that promote purchase by giving away Bonuses, discounts if the purchase is by contact on the social network, free shipping, etc.
  4. Loyalty: Facebook groups to give more valuable information and constant attention.

2. – Advertise on Facebook

Buy Facebook post likes instant invest in advertising or your publications will be practically invisible. Remember that, if there is no solid strategy behind it, it is most likely that your campaigns will not be profitable. To do this, determine your objectives very well, get informed or hire people with experience to avoid losses.

3. – Create a store on Facebook

If you haven’t done it yet, you should do it today, this is an excellent support tool that Facebook offers you to show your products and reach a very high reach, given that every day new people are using and discovering products or services with Facebook, buy Facebook post likes instant do not waste this opportunity and start adding your products with clear and precise descriptions of what you offer.

4. – Tag the products of your store on Facebook

This is very useful when you add the label of one of your products to your publications, since they are shown at the bottom as an invitation to the user to see what it is about, this is a spectacular way to increase the sales of your store on-line.

5. – Remarketing campaigns on Facebook

This is very useful to draw the attention of your users again buy Facebook post likes instant, it is like giving them a little push so that they finish making their pending purchase or look for an item that is of interest to them, this is of great help because we are impacting people who already know, which considerably increases the purchase.

I know that when you start applying each of these strategies you will have a lot to tell me and I will be delighted to read you, in the end your creativity is what matters, go ahead and make it possible!

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Buy Facebook Post Likes India Facebook Trends for Your 2022 Strategy

Year after year, buy Facebook post likes India continues to be one of the favorite channels for marketers thanks to its great reach and the many possibilities of Facebook Ads. But that does not mean that we continue to do the same type of marketing on Facebook, since the behavior of users and brands is evolving.

Organic Facebook Trends in 2022

1) The engagement gap between Facebook and Instagram is expanding

In the second quarter of 2020, the total number of interactions (likes and comments) generated by brands on Instagram was 5.2 times higher than the number of interactions on Facebook. In the second quarter of 2021, the difference increased, since the interactions on Instagram were 6.4 times higher.

On both networks, the number of interactions per post has been declining since the third quarter of 2020.

2) Images succeed on both Facebook and Instagram

If we analyze brand profiles worldwide, images account for 72.5% of Facebook content and 61.2% of Instagram content.

The second most popular format on Facebook is video (16.5%), followed by links (9.4%), status updates (0.9%) and Facebook Live videos (0.7 %). It should be noted that despite their low use, live videos are the ones that get the highest number of organic interactions.

On Instagram, the second most popular format is video (19.8% of posts), followed by carousel (19%), which can include both images and videos.

3) IGTV is more effective at generating engagement than standard video posts

Since the launch of IGTV, the Instagram app has added multiple integrations to increase views and engagement, such as including IGTV content in the Explore tab and allowing creators to embed IGTV video previews in their Instagram feed.

In the second quarter of 2021, it seems that these integrations are starting to pay off. IGTV managed to get close to the engagement levels of photo-based posts and outperformed standard video posts.

4) Posts with fewer hashtags tend to get better results

According to the Emplifi study, Instagram posts from news and media industry accounts that didn’t include hashtags got nearly twice as many engagements as posts that did.

In branded accounts, posts with 1 or 2 hashtags got the highest levels of engagement, followed by posts with none.

The conclusion is easy: including too many hashtags in the posts is not an effective strategy to generate more interaction. Ideally, limit the number of hashtags per post and try to make them as relevant as possible.

5) Shorter (and Longer) Posts Drive More Engagement

Instagram posts with less than 50 characters received the highest number of interactions in the second quarter of 2021. Interestingly, the average number of interactions goes back up once you exceed 500 characters, which tells us that both very short posts as the very long ones are the ones that give the best results.

One possible explanation is that users view very short and very long posts as different types of content. In the short ones, the image is the main content, buy Facebook post likes India while in the long ones the text takes on much more prominence.

6) Influencer activity stabilizes

The number of sponsored posts from influencers dropped sharply at the beginning of the pandemic, but has recovered and stabilized. According to Emplifi, this is one of the key Facebook trends for the second half of 2021.

7) Mentions of LGBT pride have tripled in 2022

The number of brand posts that include hashtags such as #pride or #pridemonth have been on the rise since 2016, but the jump between 2020 and 2021 has been very significant, especially on Facebook.

Brands are increasingly aware that their audience expects them to take a stand on important social issues. Although it may seem that many of them are not directly related to their products and services, brand values  ​​are important to users. Therefore, brands must reflect on how to communicate their position on social issues through their marketing strategy.

8) Telecom brands are the fastest to respond through Facebook

The telecommunications sector has stood out for its customer service on social networks, as it has the fastest response time both to comments (2 hours and 40 minutes) and to direct messages (14 minutes). In addition, it responded to the highest percentage of user comments (35%).

Other sectors with fast response times were airlines, companies in the financial sector and e-commerce. In contrast, the alcohol and beverage sectors were among the slowest to respond.

These data suggest that service-based sectors are the ones that have put the most effort into customer service on social channels.

Facebook Ads Trends in 2022

9) Global spending on social ads has increased 50% annually

According to the Emplifi study, the changes in online habits caused by the pandemic are here to stay and brands are increasingly relying on social media marketing.

If we compare the first and second quarters of 2021, buy Facebook post likes India the growth in investment in Facebook Ads is only 3.2%. But if we look at the figures from last year, we find that marketers have invested 49.9% more compared to the second quarter of 2020.

10) Higher CPCs and Stable CTRs

Compared to the beginning of the pandemic, the cost of advertising has increased. Globally, the cost per click increased by 85.1% annually in the second quarter of 2021.

This cost implies more pressure for marketers, who have to make the right decisions so as not to waste budget. Fortunately, the CTR of Facebook Ads has remained very stable, which tells us that the ads continue to offer value to users.

11) The reach of Facebook Ads decreases by 12% per year

According to data from Emplifi, the reach of Facebook Ads decreased by 12.4% from the second quarter of last year. However, this figure is not considered alarming, since it had risen 30% between 2019 and 2020, in part due to confinement and greater digitization of the population. In any case, marketers should be aware of this Facebook trend and adjust their strategies accordingly.

12) The latest news section and in-stream video offer the best CTR

More than half of social ad spend goes to the  Facebook News  Feed, followed by the Instagram feed, Instagram Stories, Facebook video feeds, and Facebook in-stream video.

In terms of effectiveness, Facebook’s in- stream video is the location with the highest CTR (0.33%), followed by Facebook’s breaking news section (0.29%). The difference with the rest of the locations is very notable, since their CTRs have not managed to exceed 0.10%.

Conclusion: The biggest Facebook trends for 2022 and beyond

  • The engagement gap between Facebook and Instagram continues to widen, with users engaging much more with live video than traditional content formats. Brands should take this trend into account and incorporate video and streaming into their strategies on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Customer service is a key aspect of social media. With more and more customers turning to Facebook and Instagram to resolve their issues, buy Facebook post likes India brands need to assess their processes to ensure faster responses and solutions. One possible option may be to automate some of the customer support through chatbots and other AI solutions.
  • The most important Facebook Ads trend is rising costs and shrinking reach, which increases the difficulties for marketers. To get the most out of quotes, it’s essential to send messages to the right customers at the right time.
  • To get the best results from Facebook Ads, you need to focus on designing ads and content that resonate with your audience and respond to their needs. For this, it is essential to know our ideal client in depth and to know what they expect from their interactions with brands on social networks.
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Buy Facebook Post Likes in United Kingdom to Have Greater Reach and Engagement with Your Audience

Facebook groups allow us to build a closer relationship with the audiences of our brands. It is a format that can be used in marketing, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom different from the personal profile, the fan page, the market place, the stores, among other tools.

Generating brand recognition and interaction with our content is of vital importance to achieve sales. I have always defended the idea that nobody buys products and services that they do not know about. For this reason, it is necessary to make content that allows the recognition of our products in the target audience.

It is no secret to anyone that social networks are a business, where their shareholders expect profits which are obtained from the paid advertisements that companies make so that their commercial messages reach the ears of their customers. Currently, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom social networks such as Facebook and Instagram limit the reach of our messages in order to increase the advertising investment of advertisers. However, we can find in the Facebook Groups an opportunity to reach our market niche, generating value through our content.

What are Facebook Groups?

Facebook groups are spaces that anyone can create from their profile and have the purpose of bringing people together around a theme or characteristic that they share. For example, there are groups segmented by interests, such as lovers of Rock and Roll, summer fashion, and ecological travel. We also find groups by behavior, for example, for those who live in a sector of the city or who belong to a particular profession, among others.

The market has evolved, it is not limited to a momentary interaction with its clients, but rather they seek to convert them into frequent clients, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom spokespersons for the brand and ambassadors of its services. Engagement allows you to measure the level of commitment of consumers and users with a brand, and analyzes the conversations that are created from that.

The purpose of marketing in Facebook groups is to bring together people who are part of the company’s market niche, around the theme of its products, but without any commercial purpose. It is about providing them with information and value around the brand’s market and sector, without the objective of selling but of providing well-planned content that is attractive to the target audience.

This concept arises as a response to the rapid digital development, with special attention to social networks and any type of platform that handles the same immediacy and interaction with users, becoming a procedural element that must be stimulated daily and with an adequate use and approach of the indicators can be measured and analyzed.

Properly segmented audiences on Facebook are a treasure that can potentially generate much more positive results compared to other media or formats. To achieve this, the tools that the platform provides must be understood in order to correct behaviors that do not generate results and increase those actions that are having greater results.

Develop a strategy that increases followers in Facebook Groups

Despite its explicit name, it is not just about creating a group on Facebook under the name of the brand or company, a long-term approach that generates answers to the big questions about consumer behavior is important. It is a space that will strengthen ties with customers and generate new forms of communication with them. Buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom one of the most relevant attractions for companies is the high number of users who have a presence on the social network, not to mention the great tools that range from the free version to the paid version to understand the audience more easily.

Find new allies in Facebook groups

The objective of social networks like Facebook is to create a community, which is why the groups in this social network, in addition to allowing you to sell and have commercial activities with customers, allow you to establish communication aimed at developing a relationship with the audience.

These connections work better when segmenting the audience and on this platform it is possible to reach audiences that are so specific and committed to the brand that a two-way communication is established, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom in which both the brand and the users can generate opinions, listen to what the other side wants to say and participate actively.

Two types of Facebook Groups you could create

There are different types of group that can be created from the brand strategy. In this space I want to recommend two. The first is the creation of a group around gathering the audience with the total absence of the brand. In this case, the brand should not be seen anywhere, avoiding creating a concept of a commercial tool in the group. For this type of Facebook group, the brand will generate content and allow its audience to also perform, providing the best possible content on the theme of the company’s products.

For example, if you have a motorcycle company, the group could have a name like Lovers of Motorcycles in Mexico City. Your content should only include comments and reviews of motorcycles, new designs, comparisons, tips, secrets. The content is also likely to name the competition and its benefits. For the audience, there will be no evidence of the brand that the group manages. The benefits that can be obtained in this case, is to gather the audience of interest to later, take advantage of the right opportunity and send a commercial message that benefits the brand. For example:

  • “For that month, the brand Motos Oscar Auza, has granted a discount to the entire community of this group”

The second type of Facebook group is the customer management group. It is about not being a brand that only sells, that is, having a more comprehensive presence in the social network, in which you participate more actively in different spaces, generating debates, opening topics of conversation and allowing participation and generation of information useful for users, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom highlighting the differentiating factors of the brand and its commitment and social or environmental contribution. This is one of the organic tools that generates the most loyalty from customers who are increasingly interested in learning about the brand and in supporting those that show interest in social, human, economic and even political aspects.

On the other hand, it is possible to create a group of the brand or company, in which its own content is generated focused on the market segment that is within its marketing strategy. This allows clarifying doubts that users and future customers have regarding the product, generating a positive image and subsequently a link between the community and the company.

Benefits of Facebook Groups

Among the main benefits that can be achieved through groups, we can find:

Segment the audiences

This is a vital step in the creation of any communication or marketing strategy as it allows resources and efforts to be focused on those interested in acquiring the products or services. By having a good fan base, you can generate and launch personalized Facebook Ads campaigns. This tool works only from business pages or fan pages, because you can’t make advertisements from a group.

Groups with human communication

It is a reality that brands that do not show their human side lose the emotional bond they have with their customers, since they do not want to feel that they are only seen as a number for the brand, but on the contrary, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom they value those that show their interest in knowing your audience, knowing their tastes, their contexts, their realities, their daily lives, among other things. That is, those that are an ally and not just an offer point.

Internal Communication Development

Communication between team members or collaborators is very important, since the uniformity of the message that is transmitted depends on it. Being in a constant generation of ideas and socialization of results can increase the content that the brand generates aimed at fulfilling the objectives.

Share videos

It is the most popular and engaging format at the moment, thanks to its speed, versatility and exposure. People value movement and creativity, more information in less time, which is why it can be a great resource to give visibility to the brand in an easy and dynamic way.

Useful and quality content

When creating the group it is important to plan the content to be shared. The generation of this content can mean for many a long and tortuous process, however, there are various types of content that can be used to follow the market segment without having to fall into direct sales, and on this page you will find more articles that can generate ideas for your brand content. It is important that the contents transmit quality and useful information for the followers since they tend to reward this type of recommended actions or share them on their social networks, generating more visits and exposure for the brand.


Social networks are mainly a leisure space, where creativity matters a lot. This premise is very important when it comes to interacting and generating content for the public, so finding an idea and looking for different ways to communicate it in dynamic formats can attract more people to the brand’s group or community.

Analyze and understand metrics and statistics

Currently, social networks provide a lot of information to public profiles regarding their content and the interaction they have with users. It is important to pay attention to these analyzes since they show what content they like the most, what formats they prefer and what they are looking for on the page.

Hours to post

Despite the fact that there is no one hour that guarantees that the entire community that has been created sees the contents, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom there are hours with a greater presence on networks and to find the one that best suits the contents of the gang, it is feasible to carry out tests by publishing in different schedules and analyzing the interaction of people with them.

As well as the schedules, there are days that can mean more views for the brand, therefore better results. Another way to identify these golden hours and days is to analyze the posts and publications of the competition or related pages and show which days generate more interactions.

Users like to be part of a community, so they look for brands that have many followers that are consistent with their posts, that receive good opinions and comments, and that are active with their users.

Knowledge and authority

Remember that users are not empty minds, they may have knowledge about certain topics, which is why the content that is published must show that the company or brand knows what it is doing, buy Facebook post likes in United Kingdom is an expert on the subject and is open to sharing its knowledge and learn from their community. They are not looking for a brand on a pedestal, they are looking for brands with experience that not only sell to sell, but also because they seek to meet a need or solve a problem that they know well.

To conclude, it is important to highlight that in these Facebook groups you can have great success, however, this requires time and effort. Among the success stories that stand out is that of the  Tag Livros brand, which is a company focused on a book subscription system that sends its subscribers boxes of books  according to their participation in the groups. They evaluate their audience and involve them in discussions or conversations related to the world of literature.

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Buy Facebook Post Likes Fast Delivery This Is How You Can Improve Engagement on Social Media

Social networks have grown spectacularly in recent years, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery reaching penetration rates in society never seen before. This has meant a revolution in how we communicate, how we get information and how we do business.

For this reason, it is essential for companies to improve their presence on social networks and try to reach the maximum number of users possible, but reaching them is not enough. Given the enormous effort involved in reaching these users, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery it is essential for companies to improve their retention rates and get the most out of their investments in these social networks.


Let’s start by clarifying terms. What is engagement in social networks? In English it means “commitment”. And we define it as the ability you have to attract followers to your social media accounts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook… We are talking about engaged followers, not just visits. That is, followers who, for example on Facebook, share your posts, give you likes or make comments. That is, followers who interact with you on your social networks.

How do we measure it? When can we say that we have good engagement?

We can measure engagement on social media by dividing the number of all those interactions we’ve had (likes, comments, shares, mentions, etc.) by all the users who saw our post. And then we multiply it by 100 to get a percentage. That is, a ratio.


Now we are going to give you some tips so that that mathematical operation you see up there gives good results.

  • Post quality and useful content. Pay attention. We have not said only content. But “valuable” and “useful”. This means that if you are a specialist in something, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery take advantage of it. Pass on your knowledge. It will be useful to many users of social networks. And they will decide to follow you for it. That is, you will achieve engagement.
  • Think about your audience. Do not dedicate yourself only to promoting your products. Share posts that may interest everyone. For example, talk about original photographs, famous phrases, etc. Insert CTAs (calls to action) in your posts. It can be simply asking them to answer a question or give their opinion on a topic. Contests also bring very good results. Some studies say that contests produce up to 30% more social media engagement.
  • Listen to your followers. If you do, you will be contacting the most important people in the process of disseminating your content. And, thus, it will be more feasible for you to get loyal followers. Respond to their direct messages as soon as possible. Like them. Let them know that you read them and that you care.
  • Use images. You will always achieve a greater impact on the reader if you use photos. If you follow this advice, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery keep one other thing in mind. Always use the same type of images for your followers to recognize you. And please use quality photos. You do not know the bad impression produced by pixelated. As for the photos, you can take them yourself or take them from the many free image banks on the web. You can also create infographics. Graphic elements increase engagement by 53% in the case of Facebook. And up to 150% on Twitter.
  • Listen to all opinions. If you listen to your followers and other professionals in the sector, you will improve your engagement on social networks. Their information, even negative, will be useful to you. In addition, it is the best way to correct the mistakes and errors that we can make.


They are the following:

  • Use Facebook Ads: With very little investment you can get a good profit. To achieve greater impact, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery it is always better that they be simple publications, with little text and that have a link to a post.
  • Use videos. It is best not to last more than a minute or a minute and a half. And make it pleasant, relaxed and, if you can, with a bit of sparkle… humor.
  • Ask questions in the sentence. The questions invite participation from the fans. In general, questions usually double the number of comments, get more likes and shares. That is, considerably increase your engagement on social networks.
  • Don’t use too big posts. Posts of less than 80 characters have approximately 25% more engagement.
  • Put attractive titles. Getting attention with a good title is essential. You can use emoticons or symbols.
  • Public at the best hours. If you publish at the time that Facebook has the best percentage of interaction, buy Facebook post likes fast delivery it will be easier to achieve engagement. What time is it? There are many studies on the Internet about it. But if not, look at your audience data in Twitter Analytics, and you’ve got it.
  • Public periodically. Do not disappear. If your audience doesn’t see you regularly, they forget about you. In addition, you will lose pull in the face of the Facebook algorithm.
  • Your experiences. If you publish your experiences, work anecdotes or even experiments or anecdotes, you will attract more people. They will feel greater affinity and closeness with you. And, in the end, they will give you more likes.
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Buy Facebook Post Likes Cheap to Increase Engagement on Social Networks?

Engagement is essential for any brand or social media influencer. In essence, buy Facebook post likes cheap it shows if you are really making an impact with your content. If you work to increase your engagement and build effective relationships, social media can become an effective platform for many business goals. Read on to learn more about how to engage with social media users to your advantage.

What is social media engagement?

Social media engagement measures all the interactions (likes, comments, reposts, etc.) that users have with your content. Essentially, buy Facebook post likes cheap it shows how engaged your audience is on your social media accounts. Although, high engagement doesn’t always indicate that people are positively engaging with your content, it’s still an important metric to track.

Depending on the social media platforms we are talking about, the engagement metrics will be different. Some standard metrics used to calculate engagement are likes, comments, social media reports, saves, clicks, retweets, impressions, views, or reactions.

Why is social media engagement important?

There is no guaranteed way to grow your media influence on social platforms without committing. Any digital marketing expert will tell you that fan growth doesn’t matter if the audience isn’t engaging with your content. So instead of just focusing on follower count, use engagement as a benchmark for your social media success.

Social media algorithms favor accounts that have a decent number of interactions and promote this content more. If your fans regularly like, comment or share your posts, the algorithms assume that people are interested in them. So the more you engage your audience, the more likely your content will appear in their feed.

By working to increase engagement, you’ll also get:

  • Increased visibility in search results
  • Brand recognition (personal) and affinity
  • Better results in word of mouth marketing
  • Credibility
  • Recognition and affinity of your company or personal brand

Engagement also shows if your content is reaching your target audience and if they really enjoy what you post. Therefore, buy Facebook post likes cheap efforts to increase engagement help you build a community of active and loyal followers.

Understanding Components of an Engaging Post

People on social media are more likely to engage with brands that show their “human side” and “personality.” They want to feel like they’re talking to real people behind brand accounts. Not only will it open up new potential engagement opportunities, buy Facebook post likes cheap it will also ensure that your audience trusts you.

Here are some key points to create a digital business image for an attractive publication:

  • Post content with images. Attractive images attached with text tend to get more attention.
  • Don’t forget the videos. It can be a demo video of your product or a quick look at how you provide your services.
  • Share an obvious idea. Make sure people understand what you’re trying to say to give them the motivation to share your post.
  • Ask questions. Answering questions makes people think. Just a quick question at the end of your post will provide a simple challenge and encourage users to process the content more carefully.

Implementation of strategies in social networks

People are always looking for new content, and brands are expected to consistently deliver it. However, before you start coming up with creative ideas and improving engagement, you need to build a strategy.

Obviously, each social media channel requires a slightly different approach. At the beginning, decide which channels you want to focus on and do extensive research on what works there and what doesn’t. Here is a rough plan before you put your strategies into action:

  1. Set your priorities
  2. Research your target audience
  3. Set important metrics for a crawl
  4. Carry out a competitor analysis
  5. Focus on timeliness and relevance
  6. Practice goal-focused communication in your team

How to increase engagement on social media

While other brands are crossing their fingers, hoping their followers will suddenly start engaging with their content, you can take a different approach. Fortunately, buy Facebook post likes cheap there are plenty of ways to help you increase engagement on social media.

1. Define goals for each social network

We have already briefly mentioned that each social media channel and messengers solve slightly different goals for your particular business account. Look at each network individually and decide which direction you want to go. Goals should be useful, realistic, and trackable, and here are some of the most common ones that most business accounts pursue:

  • Brand recognition
  • Interaction with the community
  • Content distribution
  • Lead/Sales Generation
  • Customer service

2. Make quality content

While there are many components that comprise good content, here are some worthwhile goals to get people to stop and click your link:

  • Fill a need: answer questions, brainstorm ideas, start conversations.
  • Excel in each chosen medium: Do everything as high quality as possible.
  • Highlight: You can find really creative solutions for your photography, writing, video and music.

3. Choose the best time to post

You can start publishing based on educated guesses, such as:

  • Mornings and nights, when everyone is on their way to work or home
  • Lunches and tea breaks
  • Business days for B2B brands and weekends for B2C brands

However, buy Facebook post likes cheap you will then need to track whether the results correspond to your hypotheses. Your actual audience may behave differently, so always tailor strategies based on your unique case.

4. Get feedback and encourage your audience to reach out to you

The easiest thing is to ask your followers on social media direct questions to find out exactly what they think about your product, service or even an event. As you can see, this is not only a method of interaction, but also to get instant feedback.

A slightly more difficult (but possibly more effective) approach is to encourage and monitor comments and mentions. Learn about your customers’ opinions, their mood and their key issues.

5. Use hashtags correctly

Don’t forget the corresponding social media tag on each specific network. In general, it is not recommended to use more than 1-2 hashtags per post and keep them short and memorable. We would also like to point out that there is a temptation to take advantage of all the popular hashtags. But you’ll get much better results if you really fit your image, message, content, and audience.

6. Post stories and broadcast live

On most platforms, live video is given the number one priority in people’s feeds. In terms of engagement, imagine your questions being answered directly from a brand. This instantly brings a follower closer to your real life. Keep in mind that it’s not for every niche and every product, but it can still benefit your audience.

7. Take advantage of contests and promotions

Give people an incentive to enter: Depending on the type of contest, buy Facebook post likes cheap you’ll see a significant increase in followers, likes, comments, or shares. Contests are an effective way to drive brand recognition and audience engagement without directly promoting yourself. Instead, use user-generated content (UGC) promotion.

8. Try Posts about Controversial Topics

If you’re going to share something online, make sure it aligns with your company’s values, is ready and able to stand up for it, and is prepared for the consequences. It may sound daunting, but it’s a reminder that you don’t want to get into a real fight on social media.

Here are hilarious examples of what kinds of controversies do well on social media. These topics will cause turbulent discussions, but will not escalate into an altercation.

9. Use Paid Post Promotion

Paid ads are easily one of the biggest social media trends helping targeted consumers see your brand in their feeds. If you study target audiences on specific networks through demographic information, there is a high probability that you will find people who want to interact with your content.

10. Collaborate with other people

The more you work together, buy Facebook post likes cheap the stronger your industry association will be. Plus, you’ll get more support from your community, colleagues, and other business partners. Other familiar faces and companies can promote your name further than you would on your own.

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Buy Facebook Post Likes Australia Strategies to Increase Engagement on Social Networks

More than 70% of internet users use social platforms to interact with people and businesses around the world. Buy Facebook post likes Australia these media have managed to satisfy the needs of all types of audiences.

On average, more than 25 million businesses use Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to promote their products, services, generate brand awareness and improve customer service.

Based on these and other statistics, buy Facebook post likes Australia it is obvious that social networks are an essential part of a brand’s marketing strategy, however, many are still failing to connect and interact with their audience.

If you are one of those who have not managed to hook their users, then here we will give you a list of strategies, very easy to implement, and that will help you increase engagement on social networks:

1. Interact personally with your followers.

The best thing you can do to connect with your followers and improve interaction is to speak to your audience personally, this will make them feel heard and they will notice how relevant your brand can be.

No automated responses, buy Facebook post likes Australia if what you want is to trigger the levels of interaction on your social networks, you must give your followers the importance they deserve.

2. Conduct surveys.

Surveys are used to generate interactive publications and are a quick way to know the opinion of your customers, regarding your brand or another topic of interest. In addition, buy Facebook post likes Australia all the results you get through the surveys can be used to adjust your social media strategy.

This method is very simple to implement, just remember to always do it with your audience in mind. People do not hesitate to participate in “ask me anything” sessions, polls, “fill in the blank” and other types of posts that make them think.

3. Use relevant tags.

To make your posts more visible and have more reach, you must use tags, but not only use them, you must do it correctly.

To achieve this, research which ones are the most effective and relevant to your business. Tags are the way social networks categorize content to make it easier to find.

Keep in mind that excessive use of tags can harm your publication, instead of achieving the impact you want. On Instagram it is recommended to use less than 10 per post, on Twitter you should not use more than 3, and on other platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, its effectiveness has not yet been proven.

If, for example, you want to create a contest or other event for your social audience, we advise you to create a specific label for this, so that your users can find it more easily.

4. Stream live video.

80% of people would rather watch live video than read a blog article, while 82% would rather watch live video from brands than other types of posts.

As you can see, live video has become the favorite format for audiences. Buy Facebook post likes Australia video marketing strategies are an easy way to engage your followers, whether it’s streaming events, announcing new products, or showing behind-the-scenes branding.

You can also ask your users to broadcast some action they take, in which your business is included.

5. Do real-time marketing.

Your brand can use the events of the moment to create related posts and become part of the conversation.

Being part of an event that everyone is talking about will maximize the interaction with your audience.

You can subscribe to online calendars that show all the celebrations that happen during the year, so you can keep an eye on the dates and create content for that occasion.

6. Organize contests.

Organize a contest, and check the effectiveness it has on the levels of interaction of your brand on social networks.

Generally, when you offer discounts or a prize through these platforms, buy Facebook post likes Australia your followers are encouraged to participate, in this way you can create communities that are loyal to your brand.

7. Share the content of your followers.

All brands must be attentive to mentions on social networks. When you discover that someone is talking about your product, service or brand in general, do not hesitate to share this post.

Publishing the content of your followers will make them trust you more and it will also make them happy to know that as a brand, you care about what your customers have to say.

8. Create more visual content.

You can choose the format you want, as long as it is visual. Use infographics, images, video, etc., to give your posts a more dynamic touch and generate more interaction between the brand and followers.

9. Collaborate with influencers.

People trust recommendations, and more so if they come from someone they consider trustworthy.

Influencers have positioned themselves as influencers because people identify with their history and authenticity.

Research the most relevant influencers in your niche, and ask them to test and promote your product or service. This marketing technique is one of the most currently used by brands to increase sales and generate more interaction with their followers.

10. Answer your customers’ questions.

With social networks, it is easier to improve customer service. Use your profiles on networks to answer questions and clarify doubts about your brand, product or service.

Communication between client and brand must be open, buy Facebook post likes Australia and to achieve this, you must guarantee several contact channels in which there is an immediate response.

Twitter, for example, is one of the most effective platforms for providing customer service.

To get a real connection with your audience, especially in an environment as competitive as the internet, you just have to show authenticity. The scope of your interaction will only depend on how creative you are in spreading your message.

Ideally, you should try several strategies, and not bet on just one. Remember that in the digital world, nothing is written, it’s just about trying, until you find the strategy that best suits your brand.

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Buy Facebook Post Likes App to Increase Engagement on Facebook and Instagram?

Since 2005, with the birth and heyday of social networks, these new two-way communication media began to be used as a marketing and sales space for individuals, buy Facebook post likes app small companies and large companies. Also, many entrepreneurs and marketing directors thought that having a high number of followers or likes on their Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin posts would necessarily translate into higher sales.

For some time, this statement stimulated the migration of companies’ marketing strategies to the digital environment, pretending to communicate with people in the same way as in traditional media, buy Facebook post likes app spending a lot of money with social media plans and then simply feeling cheated and disappointed worst case scenario, minimizing your involvement in social media.

Where is the problem of companies that turn to social networks and do not achieve the expected results?

As with other communication and information channels, audiences go to the Internet for specific reasons such as entertainment, solving doubts, problems and challenges, shopping online, expressing themselves, buy Facebook post likes app connecting with friends and family and even finding a partner. Contrasting this fact with the advertisers’ expectations reveals the inconsistency in the messages transmitted with respect to the wishes of the users. What should companies do better on their social networks to increase engagement?

In its beginnings, Internet advertising had a high impact, since the companies that entered it had little competition, but this was not going to last long. The growth of users and companies exploded and is still growing today at a sustained rate that is unprecedented. The balance was placed in favor of the public: people became less accessible since they acquired the power to choose what to see and when they want to see it, demanding the evolution in advertising strategies, since it has become more evident with the increase in rejection of outbound advertising.

The behavior of more companies investing in Internet advertising is presented worldwide. However, in the absence of global data, the best proxy we can get is from the US market. Since 2016, buy Facebook post likes app digital media ad spend has overtaken the one that was king for years: TV advertising. The chart below from Emarketer shows us the full picture of what’s happening with digital ad spend vs. television advertising:

Today, despite investing in new strategies, the vast majority of leads that companies manage to capture do not become customers. This situation demands a slightly more basic explanation: the people who go to our website are not always prepared to make the purchase action. Advertising efforts are spent to herd (like a herd) our segment and eventually land on our portal, but as in any relationship, the other may not be ready to take the next step. Always remember that marketing is falling in love as our manager, Carlos Betancur Gálvez, digital marketing consultant, has mentioned many times.

Taking the first steps to fall in love on the Internet and generate engagement on Facebook and Instagram

When we create a strong foundation for building brand trust, delivering relevant information, and providing advice to social media audiences, then we build interest in us. Many times customers just want someone who listens to them, who makes them feel that their choice is what counts and for this we must use social networks. These digital spaces are our place to conquer and reveal our sincere intention to create a unique bond with the public that no other brand can achieve. Here are some tips to make your audience fall in love.

Make sure the relationship is quality

Creating a relationship is not enough, we must ensure that we deliver value to the audience and accompany them in their purchase process. If after captivating we do not sustain their interest and highlight the qualities of our products and services, buy Facebook post likes app money will have been invested in vain, we do not want to waste our resources and even less place our efforts on consumers when it is not the time, not to mention that it becomes illogical that we have the ability to make a good product if we do not have the cunning to create traffic to the web and exploit it to the fullest.

That is when we begin to guide users, we provide them with information about our value proposition, we want our product or service to be the only one that can meet their needs and we dedicate ourselves to convincing them that it is a fact and from this stage we move on to convert and monetize our efforts. But this does not end here, we must constantly reinforce and strengthen the ties that unite us to retain the audiences of social networks.

Form the foundation for the future

Generating a community is not the last step, it is just one of many efforts prior to achieving your goals. Therefore, if you stop putting effort into each stage of digital marketing, you become monotonous. Create a solid foundation in the imagination and perpetually seek to satisfy the needs of your client.

For companies that want their advertising investment to have an impact in digital environments, they should not put aside the collection of qualified leads that they can constantly nurture and retain, it is the appropriate way in which we guarantee lasting relationships over time.

You will need to work hand in hand with your clients, provide knowledge on the topics of interest to your prospects and in return you will receive a community prepared to execute the purchase action. After all our efforts, we must remember that we act to minimize errors and that the processes that we had prior to sales can be monetized, buy Facebook post likes app but as in most things that have to do with the heart, it is a matter of love and how, the effort that we put into each step plus the attention to detail will make the difference when choosing.

5 strategies to increase engagement on Facebook and Instagram

Based on data from more than 100 Facebook fan pages and around 30 Instagram accounts to which we have access, buy Facebook post likes app we have carried out a qualitative analysis of what has worked to increase engagement and we have synthesized it into these points that you could easily apply in your social networks:

1. Ask questions that start conversations

Do you remember the virality of the publication “what color is the dress “? A simple question can trigger comments and reactions on your posts. Suppose you have a brand that sells clothing or accessories online. You could increase engagement with questions like:

  • What will you wear today Friday to go out with your friends?
  • If you were given one of the following accessories, which one would you prefer? Tag a person to give it to you and mention the one you want.

If your company is tourism, you could ask things like:

  • If any of you have been to Florida, which park would you recommend?
  • Do any of you know the recipe to lose the fear of planes?

We could continue with many examples. If you have a network and want us to help you with ideas, comment on this article and we will put a creative answer there?

2. Run contests that include response, tagging, and hashtags

This is one of our favorite techniques for its immediate results. All people love to play and compete and this has been studied and proven from anthropology. How about challenging your audience to guess a result of a sporting event or accomplish something in the shortest amount of time and give them a prize if they succeed? We have a success story of engagement that you can read here in which we created a game and spread it on social networks as a challenge.

A strategy that also improves results is to ask friends to be tagged in order to win the contest and to use a hashtag. Thus, you will achieve greater virality and also an important effect in marketing: when someone recommends something to you, buy Facebook post likes app there is a greater probability that there will be an authentic connection with the brand and subsequent purchase (a behavior equal to that achieved with word of mouth in the traditional world).

3. Tell people what to do when they see the post (the famous call to action) and speak only to one person, not a crowd

Believe it or not, all human beings by nature are lazy and do not want to make decisions. Economists specializing in human behavior on the level of Dan Ariely have shown that when given too many options or not told what to do with clear instructions, people simply won’t do anything. For this reason, in the texts that accompany your publications (also known as body copies), make sure to include messages such as: click here and find out more, buy now, download the information now, among others.

Another trick is that you always talk to only one person in the posts. This may sound incredible, because when we think of social networks, a multitude of people immediately come to mind. However, imagine that when your audience is looking at your posts they are looking at them individually, most likely from their mobile device. Do you look at your Facebook or Instagram with people next to you? Probably not, so publish with texts in the singular.

4. Create posts with Influencers and repost on your social networks

A true influencer is capable of moving audiences to achieve any goal. One of the best cases is that of the Colombian Tulio Recomienda and his Burger Master From him. How to achieve the same with your brand? Follow these steps:

  • Identify influencers who connect with your brand values.
  • Negotiate with them under one of the existing models: advertising for products, for money or commission for effective sales (affiliate marketing).
  • Ask them to publish information about your brand on their social networks and for there to be a clear call to action.
  • Repost their posts.

5. Invest in advertising guidelines on Facebook Ads and Instagram

It is no secret to anyone that organic reach is a utopia. Therefore, buy Facebook post likes app we recommend you invest in advertising if you want to have real engagement results on Facebook and Instagram. We have dealt with this in depth in the following article that we recommend you read: 20 Facebook Ads optimizations to obtain real results.

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Buy Facebook Post Likes and Shares to Increase Engagement on Facebook Using Your Content?

This is the truth. Yes, it is getting harder and harder to get traffic from Facebook. Yes, organic traffic has decreased, making it more difficult to engage with your visitors. And yes, Facebook limits your reach because:

  • They want people to stay longer on Facebook and not be redirected to your website or blog;
  • They want you to pay to increase the reach of your posts;
  • They prioritize “meaningful interactions” between friends and family over brand-generated content in the news feed.

But this does not mean that you cannot generate traffic from Facebook. Buy Facebook post likes and shares Facebook continues to be an important channel for marketing actions, as it offers unique opportunities in terms of generating engagement, if you manage your efforts strategically.

Specifically, once you’ve written your content, what can you do to make it stand out from the massive sea of ​​content that is Facebook? To help you with this task, we’ve put together 7 tips from our own experience and from top professionals like Neil Patel and Noah Kagan.

1. Use visuals

Use images in your articles to get more shares. BuzzSumo analyzed more than 100 million articles and found that, on average, twice as many people share messages that contain at least one image.

Images are great for quick storytelling – include images in your article that describe your content. That’s what we do at Qualifio, in our inspiration articles (articles that give ideas for campaigns related to a certain topic). Our articles for Christmas, for Fashion Week or back to school, are the most visited and the ones with the greatest reach on Facebook. And they all have something in common; Lots of photos and interactive examples. We will return to this point later.

2. Lists, infographics, “How to…” articles and videos

The format of your article is relevant. Buy Facebook post likes and shares our inspiration articles aren’t the only ones with huge reach and share numbers. Along with them are:

  • Our articles structured in the form of lists (for example, “Marketing campaigns: 10 key elements of the briefing”);
  • Infographics;
  • “How to…” articles (“How to collect your Fan profiles on Facebook”).

They are valued because they are easy to scan. The secret is to write short, easy-to-read paragraphs, with subheadings and bullet points.

Another format that works quite well on Facebook is the video format, specifically Facebook’s native videos (not YouTube videos, for example). Remember: Facebook wants people to stay on their platform. With Facebook’s auto-play feature, videos are the perfect way to grab your audience’s attention, and even redirect them to an article. It is visual, effective and fast.

Of course, beyond the format, buy Facebook post likes and shares the value of the content is essential. Is it interesting for your audience? Are you adding value to them? Etc.

3. Interact with your audience

Whenever possible, we engage with our audience within our articles. How? We integrate a small quiz, a personality test or a survey, asking our readers to give their opinion on a topic; with this, we measure your levels of knowledge or find out what your company’s data maturity index is, for example.

Facebook prioritizes content that generates interactions between users. The top three most shared content on Facebook in 2017 were music videos, breaking news, and viral quizzes.

Whatever your commercial activity, quizzes and personality tests are an excellent option to increase engagement. People share quizzes and personality tests, buy Facebook post likes and shares and even more, the results, as they feed their identity and ego. But also because it helps them identify themselves and show their network what they value.

In our inspiration articles, we also usually show one or more examples of interactive campaigns, seeking to achieve two objectives, the first, so that our readers can try our product (interactive marketing campaigns) and the second, to have fun.

4. Not too long, not too short

Despite what we might think, the shortest articles are not necessarily the most shared. Research from BuzzSumo and Neil Patel show that longer articles get more shares. Specifically, articles between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length. The advice they give us is to write at least one article of 2,000 words.

The same for the headline of your article. Do not make it so short, because you will not be able to explain what your article is about with only 4 or 5 words. Use 7-9 words to make your headlines descriptive.

5. Select the best posting times

We’ve read a lot of different opinions when it comes to finding the best times to post content. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… But one thing is certain, it is key to choose the days when your audience spends the most time online, this will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the number of times your content is shared.

You can first look at your Facebook Page data to see the time of day your audience is most likely to engage with your brand. After having done several tests, we usually share our articles on Facebook on Monday or Tuesday.

According to Neil Patel, who analyzed 5,860,631,392 articles from 64 countries, the best day to post an article and go viral on Facebook is Tuesday. It also gives hours to post, you have two options:

  • Between 11 am and 1 pm, that is, just before or after the lunch break.
  • At 6 pm, that is, after people finish their working day.

Given the complexity and continuous change of how algorithms work, it becomes difficult to find the perfect moment. It also depends on each brand. But, this data is a good start to help you increase engagement.

6.  Sponsor your posts and run ads

Buy Facebook post likes and shares sponsored posts and Facebook ads are easy ways to increase impressions of your content outside of your community and get more engagement from Facebook. To impact profiles that you haven’t acquired yet, but that are similar to your audience, you can use a Facebook feature called Lookalike Audiences.

Reach out to that audience based on a set of criteria (job title, age, interests, location, connections, etc.) and don’t forget to re-promote your old articles regularly after they’re published.

7. Find a content delivery partner

Find at least one content delivery partner who publishes your articles on their website, buy Facebook post likes and shares or an influencer who shares them.

For even more reach, you can also cite studies or articles from influencers and tag them in your Facebook post while sharing your article. They are more likely to notice, and perhaps return the favor! You can also ask influencers to contribute to your article to significantly increase reach. It can be a simple quote, an interview or an article based on the vision of those professionals, just as we did during the summer?

One last tip to help you increase engagement with your content on Facebook: try all of Facebook’s features and learn from the results. Publish your content, evaluate its performance, and analyze the data. Then try again, optimizing your content based on what works best for your audience.

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Buy Facebook Post Likes 50 to Increase the Engagement and Impact of My Brand on Facebook?

Today it is very important for a brand to have a strong online presence, buy Facebook post likes 50 mainly on social networks. The digital world is complex, but when explored, it can give you very useful data about your consumers and competitors that can help you achieve the best version of your brand. Find out how to increase your brand’s impact on Facebook.

For example, imagine you have a sporting goods store, which of course has a huge online presence. That’s why most of their sales are made online and the biggest entry point for new customers is Facebook. You frequently post content that promotes your products, buy Facebook post likes 50 receive comments and interactions from new digital followers, receive messages about the quality of products that customers have purchased, among many other topics.

Therefore, responding to and engaging with your audience on social media, as well as managing product orders, is a lot of work. You must also reconcile and have time to effectively look at the posts of your networks and understand the feedback of your content: which ones are succeeding, what you should insist on, and what you need to improve.

Do you know which are the publications of your brand with the greatest reach? What is the growth of fans of your page per week? Which posts are doing worst? What did you do to improve?

In addition to that, knowing the social networks of your competitors is also essential. By collecting, analyzing, and comparing data about these Pages, buy Facebook post likes 50 you can understand what content works for them and get inspired to create new content on your Page.

This is where customers ask us:  How can my company, without much work and with controlled costs, access this information, analyze it and compare it, quickly and easily, to optimize the brand image on Facebook?

A Social Intelligence platform like Buzzmonitor is essential for all brands that want to effortlessly analyze and compare information from their social networks and that of their competitors, using them to continue growing digitally. An essential tool to increase the impact of your brand on Facebook.

Through Buzzmonitor you can, on a single page, analyze all the metrics related to your Facebook page. Like likes, reach, interactions, best and worst posts, and compare them with each other or with data from competitor pages.

It is enough to create a fully customized Dashboard for your brand. Then configure the different metrics that you want to analyze and define if you want to compare them only within the evolution of the brand itself or in relation to the competition. The information varies depending on whether you are an administrator of the page being analyzed or not.

So if you analyze any public Facebook page, you can:

  • Monitor any public page on social networks. (Collects all organic posts, comments, and replies);
  • Monitor specific posts, for example, follow the growth of a specific post, even a dark post;
  • Access performance metrics in Analytics, buy Facebook post likes 50 such as: growth and total number of fans, content and top posts, engagement and interactions.

Whereas if you are an admin of a particular page, you can access other relevant tools:

  • Monitoring and attention to fanpages (collects all organic and/or sponsored posts, comments, responses and ratings) and inblox, buy Facebook post likes 50 as well as mentions in user profile posts (as long as they are published in public mode).
  • Monitoring of posts and comments of the groups you manage.
  • Access to more performance metrics in Analytics. Like the number of clicks, impressions, reach, spend, age, gender, and city of fans.
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Buy Facebook Post Likes 5 Ways Marketers Can Increase Engagement on Facebook

With over 1.04 billion daily users and 40% of small businesses in the United States, buy Facebook post likes 5 is an important piece of the social media marketing puzzle for most businesses. For a long time, brands saw that you could be very successful on Facebook and reach your target audience quite easily. Most importantly, they were able to do it organically (without using paid ads). However, that all changed in 2014-2015 when business Pages began to see a much less targeted reach for their posts.

After the change, entrepreneurs and marketers were left confused, frustrated, and lost. What was once a great traffic generator and branding tool was beginning to resemble a “pay to run” platform.

How lower organic reach impacted engagement on Facebook

One of the factors that determines what appears in a Facebook Feed Update is the engagement a post receives. When a post has a lot of comments, shares, and likes, Facebook knows that users who liked that page are likely to be interested in that content. For this reason, buy Facebook post likes 5 it is more likely to appear in a fan’s News Update.

The problem is that it becomes difficult to get those likes, comments or shares when your posts are not seen by a large part of your audience. It is a paradoxical situation. You need participation in order to appear in your fans’ News Feed, but you must appear in their News Feed to get participation.

Hopefully, there are still ways to reach your audience and drive engagement on Facebook despite the changes in the News Update. Try these 10 tactics to start getting more likes, comments, clicks, and shares on your Facebook posts.

1. Post at just the right time (tip: not when you think)

Organic reach may have reduced, but it hasn’t disappeared. One of the reasons Facebook changed the way content is displayed in News Feeds is because of the increasing amount of content being posted. Buy Facebook post likes 5 as more brands and people started using Facebook, the number of posts increased as well. That created a lot of competition.

The trick is to post when engagement is highest, not necessarily when most users are online. While most people tend to check their Facebook during the day, the highest engagement is at night. Buzzsumo found that posts made between 10 p.m. and midnight (local time) received the highest participation.

As you can see, the peak time for posting is around 11am. At that point, however, engagement is the lowest, probably because News Feeds are overwhelmed with the number of new posts that people just skimmed over. However, at night, there are fewer posts so users have more time to read and engage with each post.

It’s a good idea to schedule your Facebook posts ahead of time to be more efficient. Test different times between peak engagement hours to find out what works best for your business.

2. Share the content your fans want to see, not just what you want them to see

If you want people to engage with your Facebook posts, you’ll need to share content they want to see. Sometimes companies assume that being in a certain industry, buy Facebook post likes 5 all content has to be directly related to that area. For example, a sandwich shop might only post content about sandwiches, the deals they closed, and company news. The problem is that most people don’t want to read about sandwiches every day, so they’re less likely to engage with Facebook posts.

To balance it out, expand the type of content you share. A sandwich shop may post recipes, nutrition tips, and other content that isn’t exactly sandwich-related, but also isn’t content that seems out of place. For example, if a sandwich shop posted about online marketing, it wouldn’t make as much sense.

3. Look at posts that got engagement in the past

Why try to completely reinvent the wheel? Sometimes the best way to get additional engagement on Facebook is to post more of the same type of content that you’ve been successful with in the past. You can find the most engaged posts using Facebook Insights.

Once you’ve identified the best performing content, buy Facebook post likes 5 all you have to do is take the plunge and start creating content similar to it.

4. Use real life photographs.

While we say we’re bothered by people posting photos every time they go to Starbucks, we’re actually looking at them. On Facebook, photos are the most engaged type of content you can share. Photos make up 75% of Facebook posts and 87% of content shared on the platform, a social media examiner reported.

When you look at most company pages, you’ll see a sequence of stock images, rather than the original images. Instead of relying on generic photos, use your phone or camera to take some real photos. Posts with original photos look more personal and more organic.

Another great tip for adding more photos is to send Instagram photos to Facebook. Go to Instagram settings and connect your account to Facebook. Then when you take a photo, just tap the Facebook icon to automatically share it.

5. Respond to people

You are trying really hard to get people to engage with your posts. But once someone takes the time to leave you a comment, are you going to ignore it? Don’t just make a post and move on. You should check your comments all day so that you can respond as quickly as possible. The longer you delay, the less chance there is of being able to continue the conversation.

Sure, you’ll have the occasional gnome who just posts a comment for attention. However, buy Facebook post likes 5 most people who leave comments on your posts do so because they identified with what you posted. Make them feel heard and appreciated, and they’ll be more likely to want to engage with your future posts, too.

6. Create Blog Posts Especially for Facebook (Content worth Sharing)

While photos get the most engagement on Facebook, links get the most reach. To take advantage of it and to get more traffic to your Facebook site, start by creating content on your company blog, especially for Facebook.

If you already have a fairly active Facebook page that is getting some engagement, you can refer to the technique mentioned in the second tip. Just look at the links that you shared and got the most engagement and create similar content.

However, if you’re starting from scratch or don’t have enough data from your own Facebook Page to know what your audience likes best, here’s another option:

Search BuzzSumo for keywords you’d like to write about and see the most shared content on the topic on Facebook. You can connect to the URL of one of your competitors and see which pages on their site were shared the most on Facebook.

It usually lists posts and articles that have sparked curiosity and performed well on Facebook. In the example below, the most shared post is a list post. The one that immediately follows has piqued your curiosity because you want to know how someone can buy a week’s worth of groceries with only $50 at Whole Foods.

A good tip is to come up with a topic or headline that would grab your target reader’s attention if they were on the cover of a magazine while waiting in line at a supermarket. If you pass that test, then you are on the right track.

Lastly, buy Facebook post likes 5 be sure to include a captivating photo that is sized for Facebook. You can crop, resize, and scale all Facebook photos to fit perfectly with Sprout Social’s new Landscape tool.

7. Solicit people’s participation

If you’re especially looking for more engagement on Facebook, make that clear in your content; that is, you want users to like and share your post. Try to get into the habit of ending each blog post with some kind of call to action. This doesn’t mean everyone will hit the Facebook Share button, but it’s a good reminder.

Think about it: People are bombarded daily with content from social media, blogs, television, podcasts, and every other platform you can think of. We are in a state of content overload.

With all this content, most people don’t have the time or desire to finish the entire article. On average, a person will read 20-28% of the words in your post.

It’s good to assume that the few loyal readers who take the time to read the entire post are engaging and interested in the content. This is the best time to ask them to participate.

8. Use Facebook video

Sorry YouTube, but even as the second largest social network, this channel doesn’t mean much for Facebook marketing. After seeing the ineluctable use of video content, buy Facebook post likes 5 Facebook decided to spend a lot of time and resources to create its own video platform. As a result, Facebook tried to favor direct video uploads over videos embedded with YouTube or other third-party video sites.

In a study on the engagement of native Facebook videos vs. YouTube videos posted on Facebook, the winner was clear. Facebook native videos received:

  • double the comments
  • Triple times shared
  • Seven times more comments
  • double the range

9. Shorten your posts

Do not turn your Facebook page into your company blog. People don’t go to Facebook to read long content. Your posts should be short and to the point.

Facebook posts between 0 and 50 characters long receive the most engagement. The more characters you add after that, the less number of entries you can expect.

To reduce the length of your Facebook posts, leave out unnecessary details or information that needs to be explained. Think of your posts as headlines. Use them to grab people’s attention and invite them to click through to your website to read the full story.

10. Create a Facebook engagement strategy

Last but not least, you need to have an engagement strategy on Facebook if you want to get more attention. Frantically posting, buy Facebook post likes 5 crossing your fingers and hoping someone will leave a comment or share your post is not effective or efficient.

Make an outline of what you want to post, when you will post, and the steps you are going to take to get more engagement.