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Buy Facebook Post Comment Likes Increase Engagement on Social Networks

Today, brands need to offer something more to be present on social networks. Buy Facebook post comment likes they need to capture the attention of the audience and increase the response rate from their community. But do you know how you can improve your brand’s social media engagement? Here are some recommendations.

What is meant by engagement?

In essence, engagement consists of the ability of a brand to engage its audience and generate a long-term commitment that ends up turning them into customers and positively influencing the company’s objectives.

Based on this definition, there are multiple indicators that you can use to measure it: number of followers, visits, likes, comments, etc. The choice of these KPIs will depend on the strategy and objectives of the company. Buy Facebook post comment likes in any case, the concept of engagement is independent of the social network or networks you are using.

What can you measure in your social networks? And how?

Before jumping into the pool, we have to be prepared if we don’t want to swim in circles. To measure the impact of your social networks, buy Facebook post comment likes you need to establish a series of metrics that will help you identify the performance of each action and take the appropriate measures at all times.

There are multiple indicators or KPIs for this task, among which we highlight:

  • Scope. Number of people who have seen a social media profile post on their screen.
  • Conversions. Action of reaching a goal previously set in Google Analytics.
  • Number of followers. Users who follow a brand, company or other user because of interest in its content.
  • Engagement. Percentage of user interaction with published content (links, videos, images…)
  • Impressions. Number of times a post from your social network is displayed, whether it is clicked or not.
  • Interaction. Reaction of a user to the content they have viewed (likes, comments, clicks, times shared, etc.)
  • Visualizations. Number of times an audiovisual content is viewed.
  • Leads. Data or contact opportunity with a potential customer.
  • Frequency. Number of times that the same publication impacts the same user. It is calculated by dividing the number of impressions by the reach.
  • Mention. Action in which another user quotes or references another user.
  • Unique users. Number of different visitors who visit our social network.
  • Sales. Sales made of a service or product on the social platform.

And how can you measure all this data? Currently there is a wide variety of tools that help you measure endless parameters. Buy Facebook post comment likes each one has specific characteristics and some may be more useful than others. It all depends on what you are looking for.

Some of the most used tools to measure our performance on social media are: HootSuite Social Analytics, Brandwatch, Social Mention, Howsociable, Simply Measured, and TweetReach. The normal thing is that you end up combining several of them for an optimal result.

What are the factors that determine the best time to post on social networks?

The best time to post on social media will fundamentally depend on four components:

  • The social network.
  • The sector.
  • Your target audience.
  • The publication frequency.

These four aspects are very important when preparing a social media audit and you must always take them into account.

1. The social network

Each social network has specific characteristics and has its own publication frequency buy Facebook post comment likes. Therefore, posting on Facebook is not the same as posting on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.

To give you an idea, Twitter is a social network with a much higher frequency of publication than other social networks. You just have to look at the activity that many companies have on this social network compared to the others. Perhaps we are talking about 10 daily tweets compared to a daily publication on Facebook or Instagram.

In these cases, a broader time slot must be taken into account in relation to the rest of the social networks.

2. The industry

Regardless of when your followers connect the most, the sector you are in has a great relevance to correctly select the hours of publication with the greatest impact.

With an example you will see clearly. Imagine that you are managing the social networks of a restaurant. You have analyzed in depth what hours your followers are most active and the result is from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. would it make sense to post when people have finished eating? Very little. It would be more logical to do it before lunchtime to stimulate the desire of people to eat in your restaurant.

3. Your target audience

If you do not know the type of person who can be interested in what you have buy Facebook post comment likes, you will achieve little or nothing. Hence, the importance of knowing the buyer person. Perhaps the most relevant factor of all.

Not only do you have to know what hours your followers are most active on social networks, but also the type of content they consume and for which they show greater interest.

To do this, the use of analytical and measurement tools will help you to know your followers in detail.

4. Frequency of publication and activity of your account

When planning your social media posting schedule, another aspect to keep in mind is the frequency with which you are going to post content.

And you will ask yourself, why? Very easy. Posting on Twitter (whose publication frequency is broader and more dynamic) is not the same as it is on other social networks such as LinkedIn.

Twitter, unlike the rest, has a longer time slot to schedule your posts.

An active account reinforces the image of the brand, but without going overboard. Keeping an overly active account can be tiring and annoying, and the quality of the content will likely be lower. Quality is better than quantity.

What are the best times to post on each social network?

We are going to focus on the four main social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Take this data as a reference to know where to start and from there, analyze your statistics, investigate your competition and do the appropriate tests to get the best result depending on your sector.

  • Facebook:  The best hours are from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., with Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday being the best days to post.
  • Instagram:  From 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The best days: Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.
  • Twitter:  The best times are from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with Monday to Friday being the best days to post.
  • LinkedIn:   10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is the best time (after noon being the worst) and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the most appropriate days.