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Buy Likes for a Facebook Post to increase the Likes on your posts

A simple formula that will help you increase the Likes on your posts on your Fanpage.

The fanpages are one of the most powerful tools for the development of marketing in social networks, buy likes for a Facebook post however the great potential that these pages contain depends on the use that we give them and the strategies that we generate to achieve a greater audience of the published content. In this note we intend to teach you a simple publication formula that will allow you to gain more likes for your site.

This formula derives from the recommendations that Facebook gives us to improve the performance of our Fanpages.

Each Post you write on your Fanpage must contain the following elements:

1. A brief description of the information you want to share.

In the Fanpages we must be very direct, the ideal is that the post has between 100 and 250 characters, buy likes for a Facebook post according to Facebook this type of Post receives at least 60% more likes.

2. Add a shortened link to the source of the information.

Always add a link to a blog or a website to expand the information on the topic discussed. You can use the shortener that suits you best, buy likes for a Facebook post using a shortened address makes your post look cleaner and clearer.

3. Add a descriptive image.

Look for a good image between 300 and 400 pixels wide that helps you communicate the message you want to convey. According to Facebook, buy likes for a Facebook post that incorporate images can increase the level of interaction by up to 120%. You can also make use of video to increase the level of interaction of the audience with the content.