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Buy Facebook Post Likes and Comments Ways to Gain Traffic on Facebook In 2022

Buy Facebook post likes and comments for most eCommerce brands, gaining traffic on Facebook remains the best method of driving web traffic to their site and building an audience with their customers and fans.

This is particularly true for lifestyle and business related brands that know how to create engaging and shareable content.

Chances are you already have your Facebook page up and running and are currently regularly sharing content with your followers. But does that effort compensate you with an increase in sales?

If you want to know how to increase traffic on Facebook so that your sales skyrocket, take a look at the 9 most effective ways to do it.

Ideas to increase free traffic with Facebook

Below you will see the ways that we believe are the most successful to increase traffic on Facebook in Spain.

1. Use images that generate traffic on Facebook

To generate traffic and sales on Facebook buy Facebook post likes and comments, you first have to build an audience and create engagement with it. Along these lines, you’ve probably heard that images perform better than any other type of post on Facebook. 

However, not all images provide the same results: the people at Buffer found that self-explanatory photos get more engagement than those that require additional explanations.

In fact, in the following example, the image on the left is self-explanatory, while the one on the right requires a description to explain what it is about.

If you’re sharing images of your products on Facebook, consider adding or overlaying caption over the photo that says something like “New,” “Available,” or “Autumn/Winter 2022 Collection.” In this way, you will be adding more context to the image, so that it is more understandable in a single glance.

2. Sell the lifestyle linked to your products to generate more traffic on Facebook

Buy Facebook post likes and comments another important strategy for generating traffic on Facebook—when it comes to creating compelling images—is to understand that it’s not just about selling products. On top of that, you are also selling the lifestyle associated with your products.

In other words: post photos that show examples of your ideal store customer using your products in an environment that makes sense for your brand and niche.

In addition, another interesting way to inject more traffic on Facebook is to use other products that are not direct competitors, but are still “in” in your product images.

For example, Poler Stuff, a brand that sells sports products for outdoor use, does a good job in the following example, where it shows a cyclist on a weekend trip.

This image inspires its fans, while promoting the outdoor lifestyle associated with its products.

3. Create collages of your products

Let’s face it: Posting product photos over and over again can be boring for your followers.

To make your images more interesting, try creating visually appealing collages that bring similar items together.

You can even use this strategy to offer style guides or tips on how other products can complement yours well.

4. Run sweepstakes and contests

According to this study, 42% of people “like” a brand on Facebook, in order to obtain coupons or discounts. Put another way: You should offer deals to your Facebook fans, because that’s what they want to get.

Contests are a great way to engage your audience buy Facebook post likes and comments, while attracting new potential customers to your page.

In the following example, Hadas y Cuscus created a giveaway for decoration lovers, in which they asked for a series of actions based on giving «likes» and making comments on their publication, in exchange for giving away a beanbag and a rug.

5. Offer seasonal discounts

Offering discounts based on the season can be a very effective way to get people to take action on your behalf.

And if you add an expiration date to the discount offered, sales will multiply thanks to this trigger that always offers great results.

6. Offer gift cards

People love to buy gift cards.

In fact, buy Facebook post likes and comments according to a survey by the National Retail Federation, 81% of Americans will buy at least one gift card during the holidays. The same survey also found that 70% of customers who use gift cards will spend more than the value reflected on the card.

Offering gift cards — especially around the holidays — is a great opportunity to drive traffic on Facebook, as it gives people a great way to share your brand and products with their family and friends.

7. Make your users choose themes, images or products

Giving users the option to choose an attractive product can be one of the best ways to increase the participation of your audience.

If you don’t know how to create traffic on Facebook buy Facebook post likes and comments, in the following example, Frank & Oak Pits pits its Android and iPhone users against each other, and invites them to “Like” or comment according to the operating system that runs their device.

If you are a fashion brand, for example, you could pick one of your products that people love or hate and ask them “Would you wear this? Like if you would and comment if you wouldn’t.”

8. Offer free shipping

If you don’t normally offer free shipping, doing so from time to time can be a very compelling incentive to drive your audience off Facebook and into your store.

This is how the party dress store, Quissmoda, does it, which offers free shipping throughout Spain in this Facebook post.

9. Use the Facebook Store app

Facebook Store is an official Shopify app that allows you to publish your products and collections through your Facebook Page.

This is ideal for generating traffic and sales through this social network, as well as increasing engagement with your followers.

The app will also provide you with a highly visible and customizable tab on your Facebook page.

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Buy Facebook Likes Post Grow Your Page Audience and Engagement

Buy Facebook likes post It’s important to build a Page following of people who are interested in the products, services or content that you share. This guide provides best practices for building an audience of people who are likely to care about your business.

  • Make people aware of your brand. Buy Facebook likes post connect with current and new customers by growing your Page’s audience. If you’re not sure how to get more people to like and interact with your Page, try these tips:
    • Share your Page in your personal Feed. Tell your friends and family about your Page. In your post, ask them to like the Page and share it with people who may also be interested in your business. To share your Page, select Share below your Page’s cover photo.
    • Invite friends to like your Page. Invite friends who you think would be interested in your business to like your Page. Learn how to invite friends.
    • Ask friends to share your Page with their networks. Your friends can help you reach even more people. Ask if they’ll share a link to your Page in a post on their timeline.
    • Post as the Page in groups. Post as your Page in local groups or groups related to your industry. This is a good way to reach your community.
  • Be more active: Buy Facebook likes post your business probably needs to increase engagement on its Page. This means that admins and advertisers should:
  • Comment on other posts and in groups as your Facebook Page. Engage with content across Facebook to make you more visible to new and existing Page fans and customers.
    • Share more content. Make sure that the content you share on your Facebook Page is relevant to your industry so that people who follow or like your Page find it meaningful. Discover post ideas to increase engagement.
    • Manage communication through Inbox. Whether your customers want to learn about a new product or need to resolve an issue, you can communicate with them privately in Inbox in Messenger. You can communicate publicly through Facebook and Instagram comments.
  • Use targeted ad campaigns: With a Facebook Page, buy Facebook likes post you can run ads that appear on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and in the Audience Network outside of Facebook. You can create different types of ads directly from your Page. Some strategies for advertising include:
    • Boost posts you’ve created from your Page. Boosting a post gets it in front of more people and increases its engagement. Learn more about boosting posts.
    • Promote a post to send people to your website. Create a post with an action button that sends people to a specific page on your website. This is a good way to get more views on your website or direct people to a page with deals or offers. Learn how to promote your website.
    • Promote your Page. If your goal is to increase the number of fans or people who like your Page, you can run an ad tailored to that goal. Learn how to promote your Page.
    • Promote your local business. If you’re a local business, you can run an ad to reach people in the radius around your business. This can help you spread awareness and find new customers. Learn how to promote your local business.
  • Use Page Insights to optimize your ad targeting: Page Insights is a powerful tool that helps you understand more about the people who like your Page and the posts that increase engagement. In your Page Insights tab, you can see things such as the interests and ages of your Page’s audience. You’ll also see insights for actions that people take on your Page (for example, the number of clicks on your action button) and engagement metrics for posts. You can use this information to better understand your audience and the content that’s most likely to keep them engaged.
    • Note: We recommend using Page Insights after you have more than 100 fans. Learn about the Page insights we recommend you track to achieve your business goals.
  • Post when your audience is online: Sharing content when your audience is online is key to higher Page engagement. See this information in your Page Insights tab and cross-examine the results against each campaign you run. Buy Facebook likes post once you understand more about when your audience is most active, you can establish a posting schedule. Or, you can schedule your posts if you’re unavailable to publish them manually.
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Buy Cheap Facebook Post Likes Tactics to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page

Working as a Community Manager or managing several Fanpages lets you know that posting photos or articles every day is not enough buy cheap Facebook post likes for your audience to be interested in the company or product you promote. Keeping your followers wanting to know more about your product requires using tactics, especially if your goal is to get more likes on Facebook, so here are some tips to increase the likes your posts receive.

Share remarkable content and be consistent in your posts

To get more likes on Facebook buy cheap Facebook post likes, the content you post needs to be noticeable to your audience. This means that the topics you choose for your posts must be interesting for the people who follow your Fanpage. If this is about travel, for example, your Facebook page should have news, memes, articles and other material that has to do with the world of travel or tourism.

To make the decision about what type of publications is more relevant or should be repeated more times a week or month, there are those who recommend the 70-20-10 rule, which speaks of distributing the content in the following percentages:

  • 70% of images that give value or identity to the brand
  • 20% dedicated to sharing posts, publications or ideas of others
  • 10% focused on promoting your own business or company

Promote your brand or company with contests and promotions

Buy cheap Facebook post likes challenges and prizes are an essential part of getting more likes on Facebook. Through giveaways, inviting fans to spread the word about our posts comes naturally. Through games that the brand or company proposes, it is possible to increase the list of users and thus manage to entertain while gaining an audience and improving your image.

If we continue with the example of trips, inviting the public to upload a photograph of a trip they have made, adding that the photos that have the most likes will win the first or the first prizes will undoubtedly make people invite their acquaintances to vote for them. And so you increase the likes on your page.

Promote your Facebook page from the website

Outside the social network you can also get more likes on it buy cheap Facebook post likes. If you allow users to reach your fanpage from other sites on the internet that are linked to your name, company, etc., your purpose will be achieved. From Twitter, Instagram and other platforms you can be invited directly to “like” or with the mention of your Fanpage in each profile in the different social networks that exist.

You can speed up or facilitate the arrival of the public to your Facebook by adding a button or icon of this social network on the website that takes you directly to your Fanpage, or you can add the option to share and, in this way, people It also becomes the means for your articles to reach more people.

Use offline communication

This will further fuel the growth of your fan community. If you publish all your information only online, you are losing all the people who are not always connected or who you can persuade through business cards, brochures, brochures, stickers, magazine ads and other printed promotional spaces where your URL can be present.

We assure you that, if you apply these tips, you will be able to have a greater community in each of the accounts you manage, as long as you do not forget that the quality of your publications is the main adjective that they must have so that the interest of the people wake up, grow up and be constant.

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Buy 100 Facebook Post Likes Techniques to Attract More Likes to Your Fanpage

If you have a business or are thinking of building one, buy 100 Facebook post likes it is essential to learn how to build your digital presence on social networks and how to get likes on Facebook.

Buy 100 Facebook post likes the platform offers various options for micro and small entrepreneurs who want to use one of the largest social networks in the world to advertise their products, their services or for those who also work as Affiliates.

Knowing how to attract a qualified audience ensures the growth of your page, the positioning of your brand and helps you start creating loyal fans of your business. As a consequence, your communication channels begin to have likes on Facebook and the numbers begin to grow.

Buy 100 Facebook post likes and to help you get likes on Facebook strategically, we have selected some key points that you should implement in your digital planning.

1. Produce quality content

One of the easiest ways to get likes on Facebook is by producing quality content. Posting topics that are relevant to your target audience is essential to create an identification between your followers and your brand.

Think of topics that speak directly to your potential buyers. How could you help them solve a problem? How does your company educate consumers? What are the differences that your products and services offer?

Therefore, remember that your Facebook page should be seen as a serious communication platform, offering interesting topics to people. Thus, your goal of having likes on Facebook becomes much easier.

2. Promote the fanpage on other channels

Promoting your business fanpage on other Internet platforms is another way to experience how to get qualified likes on Facebook.

If you have another active social network, website, or even a blog, starting to promote your page through these channels will help you get more visibility.

Buy 100 Facebook post likes this will affect an extremely qualified audience that is already engaged with your brand. This practice of taking the user from one medium to another is called digital marketing.

And to get Facebook likes through other channels doesn’t necessarily mean you only need to use your platforms.

You can associate with other professionals or businesses in this niche or segments similar to yours. And so, combine methods where both can enjoy each other’s hearing.

Strategies like using co-live streams, bookmarked posts, and company mentions in Instagram stories are just a few ways to easily get Facebook likes and reach a qualified audience for your Page.

3. Complete the information about your page

Having a complete Facebook page with all the fields of information about your business can also help increase the number of likes of your business.

By providing all the data necessary for the creation of the page, you make the algorithm of the social network start working in your favor.

By doing this, you appear more easily in the search results of users. And, in addition, the public will know exactly what your business is and what solutions you offer.

This facilitates the identification process, making you start to have more likes on Facebook.

4. Keep posting frequency.

In addition to having relevant content on all your social networks, maintaining a frequency of publications is essential to have likes on Facebook.

So, create an editorial calendar and plan ahead for the content to be posted on Facebook, the topics to be covered, and the best times.

Get in the habit of constantly posting because, buy 100 Facebook post likes in this way, the social network’s algorithm will show your content to more users, which will increase your visibility and generate more likes.

5. Interact with the public

Today, social networks have become one of the main means of communication between brands and the final consumer. Therefore, interacting with him is mandatory.

Being close to the audience makes you understand what is the perception that people have about your business. In addition, you show credibility, commitment and that there are people who represent the profile interested in the opinion of the public.

Showing this active presence on the platform makes you start getting more likes on social media.

Responding to your followers’ comments as quickly as possible is also vital for you to get more followers on your page. Remember that Facebook indicates the average response time of the pages, something that can increase or decrease the public’s trust in your brand.

6. Invest in Facebook ads to promote your brand

A really interesting option to get likes on Facebook is to invest in ads on the social network.

Through the valuable content that you constantly offer to the target audience, allied to people acquisition strategies, you will arouse the interest of new users for your business. Consequently, these new people will want to know more about you.

Whether for attraction, conversion or engagement-only campaigns, not waiting for Facebook to deliver your content depending only on organic reach is critical to maintaining the vitality of your business.

However, you must learn to develop the correct strategies and choose the ideal ads for each designed campaign.

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Buy Likes for a Facebook Post to increase the Likes on your posts

A simple formula that will help you increase the Likes on your posts on your Fanpage.

The fanpages are one of the most powerful tools for the development of marketing in social networks, buy likes for a Facebook post however the great potential that these pages contain depends on the use that we give them and the strategies that we generate to achieve a greater audience of the published content. In this note we intend to teach you a simple publication formula that will allow you to gain more likes for your site.

This formula derives from the recommendations that Facebook gives us to improve the performance of our Fanpages.

Each Post you write on your Fanpage must contain the following elements:

1. A brief description of the information you want to share.

In the Fanpages we must be very direct, the ideal is that the post has between 100 and 250 characters, buy likes for a Facebook post according to Facebook this type of Post receives at least 60% more likes.

2. Add a shortened link to the source of the information.

Always add a link to a blog or a website to expand the information on the topic discussed. You can use the shortener that suits you best, buy likes for a Facebook post using a shortened address makes your post look cleaner and clearer.

3. Add a descriptive image.

Look for a good image between 300 and 400 pixels wide that helps you communicate the message you want to convey. According to Facebook, buy likes for a Facebook post that incorporate images can increase the level of interaction by up to 120%. You can also make use of video to increase the level of interaction of the audience with the content.

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Buy Facebook Likes on a Post Strategies to increase your followers on Facebook

Now yes, we are going to see 6 strategies to grow your community on Facebook.

1. Include the “Like” button on your website

The possibility of becoming a fan of the Facebook page of your e-commerce buy Facebook likes on a post without having to leave your website is a powerful and fast way to retain visitors.

It’s about making it easy for the user and saving them the step of having to open Facebook to search for your business and follow you.

The “Like” button, together with the subscription box to the email newsletter, are elements that cannot be missing from your website.

If you want to increase your followers on Facebook. It’s as simple as entering your URL and copying the generated code on your website.

We have already discussed this in other user experience articles, but it is important to remember to be careful with the placement of social media buttons.

Your website must be an arrival site, not an exit site. Allow them to like but do not put too cheap an outgoing link to your social networks. They are visits that will leave and never return.

2. Implement a Social Locker

This WordPress plugin is a great tool to get followers on Facebook and increase the dissemination of your content.

Social Locker consists of hiding a file of special value, be it the best part of a post, a video or a link to download a file. This part will only be unlocked in exchange for a social action, in this case a “Like”.

However, we recommend using it sparingly.

Refrain from including it in all your content or else your followers could perceive you as an interested party who only wants to see their visibility grow at any price.

3. Organize contests and giveaways

Without a doubt, buy Facebook likes on a post it is one of the best techniques to obtain followers on Facebook thanks to the great impact it generates. Carrying out occasional giveaways of your products  will bring you a large number of likes and shares at a low cost,  and will make you look like a nice business that rewards its followers.

No matter how slim the chance of winning, people will take the bait. Even people who just discovered your page will share the post.

4. Focus on engagement

You already know that if you don’t work hard, most followers won’t see your posts.

In reality, your number of followers on Facebook does not matter, but the number of “people who are talking about this”. This figure more clearly reveals your real reach, since it is the followers who are actually interacting with your content.

A follower who does not communicate with you through comments, likes or shares will hardly ever become a customer.

So forget about the number of followers and start generating engagement.

To achieve this desired involvement, you can launch surveys, open questions or dedicate one day a week to making a thematic section.

Take time to respond to comments as well. Making a publication looking for interaction and leaving the people who respond to you with the word in their mouth transmits a very bad image and will make those people not comment again.

5. Keep your page updated

With the new algorithm and the loss of organic reach, many fan pages have thrown in the towel.

  • Posts over a year old pinned to the timeline.
  • Unanswered reviews and comments.
  • Etc.

An image of an abandoned house that does a disservice to the interests of the business.

What would be the point of Facebook sending visits to a lot?

It is preferable not to have a fan page to transmit laziness. Remember the social proof, would you consume in a bar with signs from two years ago so empty that not even the owner goes?

The same thing happens online.

Nobody will become a follower of a page whose last publication is from the last century.

6. Create Facebook groups

Going back to engagement, you should also consider creating a Facebook group open to your followers.

Buy Facebook likes on a post Although it is true that your participation would take place from your personal profile and not directly from your page, leading a Facebook group gives you many advantages:

  • Strengthen your online reputation.
  • Improve your visibility.
  • It makes the members much more active, interacting with you and also with each other.

Instead of mere followers, you will have a community.

Another positive aspect of groups is that, unlike fan pages, their organic reach has increased.

And what to post in the group? Well, content that is consumed from within the group, in the next point there are several ideas.

7. Create unique content for Facebook

Facebook likes internal content, meaning posts that keep users on the platform (the longer the better).

Your business is based on displaying advertising and the more minute’s users spend, the more ads you can show them.

With its current algorithm, it gives priority to content that does not take the user to other websites, such as links from blog articles or other pages. The scope of what gets people off Facebook is devalued against what keeps users on longer and longer.

One type of own content that is standing out above is live videos. Facebook Live has doubled its volume every year since its launch in 2016, and is already moving in the two billion annual retransmissions.

Another good strategy is to generate content only for a social network.

To save time, most brands recycle Instagram content on Facebook, which is not positive for the user or for the social network itself.

You can play the same topic but modify at least the image or the words with which you tell it. The public will value it and want to see your content.

8. Find out the best time to post

Unfortunately, at this point there is no formula. You are going to have to test and test when your posts receive the most feedback.

Depending on your activity, buy Facebook likes on a post it is possible that the nature of your followers is more diurnal and it is convenient for you to post in the middle of the morning. Or maybe it is more effective for you to do it at dinner time because those who follow you are animals of the night.

But not only is the time important.

Choosing the ideal day to publish a certain type of content is also important. If, for example, you have a blog and you publish a new post every week, you will be able to check the notable difference in visits that posting on Thursday or Saturday entails.

You can take a look at your competition and see what works best for them.

9. Send visits to your fan page

It is possible that you are carrying out an online networking strategy based on comments on blogs and pages in your sector.

In these comments, or in forums and other communities, you usually have a space to leave a url. Once your fan page is working, updated and moving, it is a good idea to leave that url instead of your website.

It will be a good first contact that will generate new followers, who with time and work will be able to get to know you and become leads first and then customers.

10. BONUS: Invite your followers to click “see first”

If you want to get an extra boost in the reach of your posts you should try this.

Your followers, unfortunately, do not follow you exclusively, but they follow many other brands. And that means that your posts compete with those of all those other brands that your followers also follow.

When you visit a Facebook page there is an option to define the priority with which to see what you post and the possible notifications.

Invite your followers to select “See First” or even turn on notifications to get notified when you post something new.

Most followers won’t, but the few that do will see your content above the rest.

If they have predefined it as a priority, they will be more likely to interact, which in turn will make the Facebook algorithm show it more and have a longer history in the competitive fight for the attention of consumers.

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Buy 50 Facebook Post Likes To Get More Likes on Facebook

You probably created a contest on Facebook to get more likes on your fan page. If you work for someone else, buy 50 Facebook post likes getting more likes helps support your hard work.

Well, all is not lost. On the contrary, your Facebook page can still get likes (and for free) and we are going to prove it.

Just make sure you follow these 5 steps to get Facebook Likes.

1. Ask for more likes

It is easy. It’s simple. And works.

The first step is to promote your fanpage. Buy 50 Facebook post likes take every opportunity that comes your way to remind people who read your content that they can like your Facebook page. You will be surprised how many people heed your recommendation.

Ask for “likes” strategically. Be consistent in your posts and when your content generates more engagement, you have a better chance of converting readers into fans.

Next, think about how to integrate your Facebook Marketing strategy with your online and offline marketing strategy. You probably send email, SEO and SEM, print campaigns (for an event, for example).

Take a moment to find out how to include your Facebook Marketing strategy. It can be as simple as putting the Facebook logo on your event program. Let the public know that you have a Facebook page. Invite them to “Like”.

2. Your fanpage must be visible

Of course, you must not forget that your potential fans must first find your fanpage. There are multiple ways to gain exposure, buy 50 Facebook post likes that is absolutely necessary is to fill out the Page Information section.

You must include information about:

  • Your business
  • Your product
  • Your website

The goal here – in terms of visibility – is to get the content indexed by search engines. Once visitors find your page, with all the information you’ve included, they’re more likely to like your page.

3. Include links to your social networks in your e-mails

Email marketing is still the medium with the highest ROI in digital marketing, but it does not have to be the only means of conversions. Particularly when multi-channel integration works very well.

To start, use an email that you regularly send. For example, a weekly newsletter. Just add ‘social buttons’ at the end of the message – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can use predesigned icons or create your own, so that they are aligned with the aesthetics of your corporate image.

Try to include a short paragraph about the benefits of becoming a fan of your Facebook page. For example, Facebook may be the first place you advertise your new product or seasonal discounts; if you are planning to run a contest on Facebook, or simply that Facebook is a more direct way to give attention to your customers.

You can also tailor this message for the type of content you’re posting on your Facebook Page. Buy 50 Facebook post likes so your campaigns will see better results if you notify in advance what they can expect during the week.

4. Include a “Like Box” on your website

While browsing the Internet, you have surely seen a Facebook “Like Box” among some of the websites you visit.

You will see a small promotional box titled “Find us on Facebook”, showing how many Likes you have on your Page and how many friends have Liked that Page.

Like boxes are very common. And there is a why. They bring in referral traffic, increase ROI and, of course, allow you to get more likes on Facebook.

And, the best thing is that it is not difficult to configure them.

5. Embed Posts – Embed your Facebook posts into your Blog

There is more than one way to promote your Facebook page on your website. Buy 50 Facebook post likes you can also promote individual posts from your fanpage.

Let’s say you write about Community Management on your blog. If you’ve recently written a Facebook post about moderating negative comments, you might like to include them in an article on your blog. After all, it is a relevant post. A post that your blog readers would be interested in.

You’ll get all the benefits of installing a Like Box, plus more visibility on that particular post.

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Buy Likes on Facebook Post Infallible Strategies to Get Likes on Facebook

If you are a Community Manager or if you are in charge of managing one (or several) Fan Pages on Facebook, you probably know that posting a photo or an article every day is not enough to reach your audience. Interesting your target audience requires the implementation of several strategies, buy likes on Facebook post especially if you are pursuing the goal of getting more likes on Facebook. That is why in this blog post I will share with you the five fundamental tips that you must take into account to multiply the Likes that your publications receive. Don’t forget to add this post to favorites!

Share relevant content and stay active

Buy likes on Facebook post this is a double tip, since its terms are related. First of all, if you want to get likes on Facebook, you need to make sure that you share content that is relevant to your audience. This means that the topics you talk about in your posts have to be interesting for your target audience. For example, if your Fan Page has to do with the sports world, then the news, memes and other publications that you share must be linked to that universe.

In turn, something you should keep in mind when planning your publishing strategy, if you want to maximize its effectiveness, is the rule known as 70/20/10. According to it, it is recommended that you distribute the content in the following way:

  • 70% of images that add value and identity to your brand.
  • 20% should be dedicated to sharing others’ posts and ideas,
  • 10% should be focused on promoting your own business

Now, keeping many Fan Pages updated on a daily basis can be an arduous task in terms of resources (work time, organization, etc.). For that reason it is very important that you have the right tools to carry out this task efficiently. Resorting to this tool will save you effort and will enable you to schedule what you will publish for weeks, and even months.

Create contests and promotions

Buy likes on Facebook post another essential point to get likes on Facebook is to attract the public with challenges and prizes. This strategy is extremely effective because through a raffle you can invite your fans to invite other users to vote for them. Thus, through a fun game proposed by your brand, you get new users to join your proposal. For that reason, this technique not only entertains your fans but also improves your institutional image.

I advise you to review our suite of Contests and Promotions to decide which one best suits your marketing needs. Personally, I advise you to propose an Image Contest to your audience. It is a proposal as fun as it is effective: with it you can invite the public to upload their own images under a certain slogan, for example “Upload your selfie with your best friend”. Thus, the photograph with the most votes by the community will win the prize that you decide.

You must configure the application through a series of very simple steps. One of them allows you to include a Fan Box that will invite users to like your Fan Page when accessing the application. At the same time, the fact that users must ask their friends to vote for them to win will make your contest go viral on Facebook, with the consequent increase in Likes for your page.

Use Facebook Ads

Buy likes on Facebook post another very effective strategy to increase the number of likes and fans of your page is to use Facebook Ads. If you use the social network’s advertising platform correctly, the positive results will not be long in coming. In this regard, there are different ways to advertise on Facebook, among which you can choose according to your marketing needs. In general, we can divide the available modalities into two large groups: Interest – based advertisements, and advertisements aimed at Custom Audiences.

interests of users is not as efficient in terms of recovering your investment , since it is about showing ads “blindly” to people who respond to criteria indicated by you, such as Age , Sex , Country , City , etc. Instead, it is much more effective to segment your audience in order to create a Custom Audience.

The main advantage of Custom Audiences is that they allow you to show ads to users who have already expressed interest in your brand, which greatly increases the chances of obtaining favorable responses. For this reason, this kind of advertising on Facebook is widely used as part of the technique known as Retargeting or Remarketing, which seeks to recover undecided or “elusive” customers.

Promote your Fan Page from your website

In addition to the strategies carried out within the social network itself, to get likes on Facebook it is necessary to facilitate the arrival of users from other spaces on the Network linked to your brand. In this way, you can promote your Fan Page from your Twitter account, Instagram, Google+ and other sites that you use daily. In this regard, you can do it directly by inviting your audience to give you a Like or by including a link to your Fan Page in your profile on each social network.

But the main strategy of this section is to buy likes on Facebook post and include access to your Facebook profile in different places on your website. To do this you can add social buttons on your home page or Home, so that users who visit your website can easily click on a Facebook icon, which takes them directly to your Fan Page to start following you. You can also place buttons to share your content at the end of each post, so that people can publish your articles in their biographies.

Add social buttons to your site is extremely simple, since it is usually enough to add a plugin to the web. For example, if your site is hosted on WordPress servers, you can use this Plug-In to invite users to follow you on Facebook. You simply have to activate the Plug-In on your WordPress site and decide, during the configuration, which social buttons you will show to users (in addition to Facebook , it supports Twitter , LinkedIn and other networks, as you can see in the image below). You can also determine what they will look like.

Remember to promote your Fan Page in your offline communications

This point is very important, since limiting yourself to promoting your Fan Page only within the Network considerably reduces your chances of reaching it. That is why I advise you to take advantage of all the offline communication spaces that you handle on a daily basis to recommend your Facebook page. Thus, you can include the URL of your Facebook page in your personal cards, brochures, stickers, posters, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and other promotional spaces.

Also, if you have a business in your city, be sure to place stickers with the name and URL of your Fan Page in the stained glass windows, and also on some of the interior walls. You can also add the URL of your Facebook page to your receipts and offer special discounts to those who have become fans of your brand or business. Additionally, you can include the data of your Fan Page in all the marketing objects (merchandising) that you give away or offer from your business (such as pens, notepads, magnets, t-shirts, bracelets and other elements). The idea is that as many people as possible find out about your page on Facebook and can start following it. If you carry out the five simple strategies that I have shared with you in this blog post, very soon you will be able to get likes on Facebook and add new fans to your page.