For some years now, Facebook —until now one of the social networks that faced Google the most— has been implementing all kinds of changes in its algorithms in order to increase its income through advertising and, at the same time, turn, offer a better user experience buy Facebook photo likes Singapore. In the middle of these two goals were the administrators of the fanpages and their so-called organic reach.
For those who do not know, the scope is the name given to the number of people who view the content published on social networks. If you have a fan page, then you have already seen in the statistics how many people normally access and interact with your updates. Well, as in everything, to obtain a higher degree of viralization you can pay, although this does not guarantee that your publication will inevitably reach thousands of people. That will depend on many other factors. On the other hand, the scope for which nothing is paid is called “organic” or “natural”.
Let’s remember that Facebook became more than a communication tool. It revolutionized the internet industry opening the way to new marketing strategies, generating innovative content and tools that enhance communication.
In the beginning, any Facebook page could achieve magnificent reach without putting a single penny and if you had a basic budget, you could do wonders. However, not long ago Facebook applied a series of changes to put an end to this issue in pursuit of the objectives named at the beginning buy Facebook photo likes Singapore. In addition, due to this, users initially began to see only what they were really interested in, so reaching them requires a little more ingenuity.
Despite this negative outlook only in appearance, it should be noted that these types of modifications do nothing more than raise the bar in the quality of the content we offer our followers.
How to increase the reach of your fanpage?
1. Content is king: a phrase that many believe is hackneyed or that they mistakenly claim has lost relevance. They couldn’t be further from reality, since the quality of the images, videos and everything we produce will be what practically determines our successes or failures. For this, you must not only offer fresh and relevant material, but you also have to take the time to get to know your audience buy Facebook photo likes Singapore, what they are interested in and what they react to best.
A small suggestion: use current events and those that evoke feelings to your advantage.
2. Encourage interaction: the content, no matter how good it is, also needs a “nudge” to invite participation. This will generate more engagement and, consequently, greater visibility. How is it done? It includes questions that ask for an opinion, comments are encouraged, voting is done through the use of emojis and whatever comes to mind at this point to get the community moving.
3. Share links: be careful with this. Although it is the main interest of many administrators, we must remember the saying “quality is better than quantity”. A couple of well-made links will have better results than many of a doubtful level. This common sense means that your reach won’t be affected as much when you’re looking to monetize it.
4. Goodbye to Clickbait: surely you have seen headlines like “This boy was calm until something incredible happened” on more than one occasion, which worked very well, drawing the attention of users through curiosity. Well, that’s what clickbait is, choosing exaggerated, incomplete, or misleading headlines with the sole intention of driving visitors to a website. This made users desperate, since they were constantly duped. Facebook has decided to penalize not only the fan pages that use these practices, but also the URLs of the websites that publish them.
5. More Facebook, less YouTube: continuing with what we have been talking about, it is important to note that the social network pays more attention to videos that are uploaded directly to its platform. To be clear: Facebook has more preference for the redundant “Facebook Videos” than for the links shared from Youtube.
6. Analyze the statistics: taking into account the “boring” part of the question, that is, the numbers, is essential so that the first item can be developed more freely buy Facebook photo likes Singapore. Thanks to the tables that the social network offers us and those that we can create ourselves with different tools, we will be able to more accurately monitor the reactions of our followers. This will give us a very interesting margin with regard to the prediction of user behavior in the face of certain content.
7. Schedules and punctuality: keeping a publication grid is always the best way to keep your work organized. For this there are various tools that make the task easier. Also, in case the range decreases, we will be able to quickly detect what happened thanks to this order. Now, due to the statistics of item 6, it is likely that we already know which are the points of the clock in which there is the greatest activity, however, it should also be noted that it is the moment in which there will be the greatest competition in your field . You’re not the only one, after all, trying to carve out a niche for yourself in the early days of your fans. So take advantage of the rest of the time slots It is also a good idea, especially when you are not yet mature enough to face your direct competitors.
It is also essential that you maintain a constant rhythm of publication, since Facebook will see this with good eyes. It can be tedious, but it will pay off.
8. Use all the tools: Facebook provides several options to make promoting your posts, as well as the fanpage itself, easier. From the typical boxes of likes to the possibility of inserting what you publish on the social network in other web portals. This can be very helpful as it stimulates feedback regarding traffic.
9. Find new audiences: this can be quite complicated if some objectives are not set beforehand. Before venturing out, you must define which targets you are going to pursue. Once this is determined, then you can do it using hashtags (these are not the exclusive property of Twitter) buy Facebook photo likes Singapore. In addition, you can tag people or brands that are referents of the chosen topic in your publications, although you should not abuse this. These forms are basically aimed at users who are dedicated to searching the networks for information that interests them and hashtags are common denominators in this.
10. Participate too: respond to users, joke with them, give away some likes and create a feeling of belonging in your community buy Facebook photo likes Singapore. That will make your fan page become really very active.