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Buy Facebook Like Post Strategies to Increase Engagement on Facebook

Do you find it increasingly difficult to connect with your audience? Year after year, both the reach and the interactions of your posts plummet? Is the Facebook Algorithm the hardest thing to beat?

If you answered yes to any of the questions and want to increase both the reach and engagement of your posts organically (without investing money), buy Facebook like post you are going to have to put all your effort and creativity into your posts. It won’t be easy, but it will be fun and you will see results in no time!

Here are 5 strategies you can start implementing NOW:

1. Use new features

Facebook is characterized by having a wide range of different content formats that other social networks do not have, such as 3D photos, 360º photos and videos, live photos, surveys, etc.

Compared to content usually created, these more interactive and technological formats are rarely used, so when a 3D or 360º photograph appears on a user’s news feed, buy Facebook like post the impact it generates is much greater and the possibility of interacting with he rises drastically. The “wow effect” they produce has a direct consequence on visualizations and interactions.

2. Force responses

Many times when we publish we do it from a very egocentric point of view: I have a message to give, I post it on Facebook for information and I hope that the interactions rain. But if our content isn’t of exceptional value to our audience or if we don’t have a fan page with hundreds of thousands of followers, we’re unlikely to get significant engagement.

Ask your audience directly what you want them to do. Don’t be afraid, force responses from your audience!

  • Ask a question related to your content in a very personal way and ask them to answer through the comments.
  • Ask them if they know someone interested in the topic of your post and ask them to mention them.
  • Activate challenges where users, to participate, must leave a comment or compete with other users of the fanpage
  • Create games with your products where users have to solve math problems, puzzles, etc.
  • Play with your audience and use formulas that work like “Caption this photo”

3. Add value

The value of your posts is directly related to the interests, problems and needs of your audience buy Facebook like post. Does a video about a review of a new video game have value? For gamers, a lot! For my audience? Maybe very little…

For this reason, in order to add value, you must know the behaviors, tastes, interests, pain points, needs, demographic data and a long list of characteristics of your target audience in order to create irresistible publications, offering unique solutions and experiences.

4. Video is winning horse

Check the statistics of your fanpage. You will likely see videos rank high in both reach and engagement.

  • Upload your videos to Facebook: Videos uploaded to Facebook natively have, on average, a 110% higher engagement rate and 478% higher share rate than YouTube links, according to a Qintly study of over 6 million of publications.
  • Square or vertical videos: Square and vertical videos receive more views and interactions than horizontal videos. The reason? Very simple! Most users consume Facebook content through mobile phones and square and horizontal videos take up most of the screen and therefore users have fewer inputs to get lost.
  • Add subtitles – Most video views run without sound. If the videos have subtitles, we give users one more reason to stay and consume it and not move on to the next one (maybe from our competition!)

5. Broadcast live

Live video is still very popular with the Facebook algorithm. Additionally, buy Facebook like post users can subscribe to the broadcast reminder and receive notifications whenever the page is live.

When you go live, remember to interact directly with viewers:

  • Greet them
  • Answer your questions
  • Invite them to be part of your broadcasts
  • Make calls to action for them to share and comment