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Buy Facebook Photo Like to Improve the Organic Reach of My Fan Page on Facebook

If you want to improve the organic reach of your buy Facebook photo like, in this article you will find effective strategies to increase the number of followers and improve the positioning of your content on this social network.

What you should know about the organic reach of social networks

For Facebook, organic reach is represented by the number of people who see an unpaid post on a given page. This scope underwent several transformations over the years, as the great social network incorporated various algorithms.

Since the Facebook platform launched its fan pages, buy Facebook photo like people began to create their own pages for companies or institutions in order to publish unlimited content aimed at their entire fan base.

And, for a long time, it was thought that these messages were broadcast to 100% of that audience.

Starting in 2012, with the introduction of new algorithms, Page admins began to notice that the share of their posts dropped noticeably.

This decrease in diffusion meant fewer conversions, fewer leads, and therefore fewer real sales opportunities.

Why did Facebook decrease the visibility of organic posts?

  • In the first place, due to the massive increase in pages and the excess of content, which caused more competition to appear in the latest news of the followers.
  • Second, because Facebook set out to make sure that users see the best content, the most relevant to their interests. 

It is necessary to emphasize that Facebook is a company whose objective is to generate income that comes, in part, from paid ads and promoted posts.

Creating strategies on Facebook is an almost mandatory option for companies.

Currently, the platform is translated into more than 70 languages ​​and its followers are increasing day by day.

In this social network it is possible to find traffic from all audiences imagined according to age, sex, interests, cultures and tastes.

How to optimize the organic reach of your Facebook fan page?

According to data released by Facebook itself buy Facebook photo like, if your news feed were not filtered, a user would be exposed to about 1,500 posts a day. Through the work of algorithms, a person views about 300 posts daily.

Although the number is much lower, 300 posts per day is still a very high figure when it comes to views on a social network. Now, how do companies make their content more visible?

Generate quality content

Invest time in creating quality and personalized content for your fan page:

  • Videos
  • GIF
  • Images
  • Infographics

If you do, your fan page will not only rank better on Facebook, but this exposure will help drive people to your website. There they can become leads and, later, specific sales opportunities.

But exactly what do we mean when we talk about quality content?

  • It has to be focused on your target audience and your buyer personas.
  • It must be practical information.
  • It must provide solutions to the needs and problems of your audience.

The better you define your buyer personas, the easier it will be to find the ideal themes to attract users to your fan page.

Regardless of whether they are sponsored or not, all the articles you publish must be aimed at a specific audience.


Optimize the images with the proper format to publish on each social network according to your requirements. Find out below the updated measures that Facebook handles to better spread your content:

  • Profile picture. It is recommended that it have a resolution of at least 180 × 180 px.
  • Cover page. This image is displayed at 820 × 312 px. If your image is 851 × 315 px, is in JPG format, and is less than 100 KB, it will load much faster. If you want to show logos or text in the image, we recommend uploading it in PNG format for better quality.
  • Facebook cover videos. Your video must be at least 1,250 × 312 px and between 20 and 90 seconds long. For best results, Facebook recommends that it be 1,250 × 463 px.
  • Square image in posts. It should not be smaller than 1,080 × 1,080 px.
  • Horizontal image in publications. 1,200 × 630px.
  • Shared link image. 1,200 × 630px.
  • Image for Facebook stores. It is recommended to include product images with a resolution of at least 1,024 × 1,024 px.
  • Image for Facebook Stories. 1,080 × 1,920px.


With the new design, you must generate a copy with the following characteristics:

  1. The most relevant information should be in the first 260 characters.
  2. The call to action and emojis should appear in the first 90 characters.

In this way, you ensure that your posts appear complete and that they attract attention in an effective way.

Post consistently

The amount and frequency of posting will depend on your target audience buy Facebook photo like. However, we recommend doing it at least twice a day if you have a good amount of material to share.

You can do a combination between high quality material and some light stories to balance. Posting too many times a day can end up hurting your following: People can get bored if your content isn’t relevant. For this reason, we again emphasize the need to create material of interest to your target audience.

The time of publication is also important. Based on your target audience, you will be able to know when is the perfect time for your content to have a higher organic reach. A good opportunity to publish your material on Facebook is when the activity of your competition is low.

In this way, the chances of reaching the news feed of your target audience are increased; this will also depend on whether your audience is connected. You can review these hours in the statistics of your fan page.

If you want to find the best time, try posting similar content at different times to compare organic reach. The more people see your material, buy Facebook photo like the better it will be positioned on Facebook.

Once you know the best time for your posts, we recommend creating a schedule using Facebook’s Creator Studio (or any network management tool) so you don’t have to worry about posting on time.

Do not forget the Facebook Stories: they will help you reach more followers. A formula that does not fail is to publish stories with an introduction, middle and end.

It is important to emphasize that the quality of the content is always more important than the time of its publication.

Don’t be repetitive

As we mentioned before, the repetition of content can end up boring your audience buy Facebook photo like. Try to create original posts with useful topics for your users and you will see how your follower base grows quickly.

Try to use trends in your favor

When it comes to generating content, you have a large number of tools that will allow you to know what is new in your sector: one of them is Google Trends. In this search engine, you can find the latest trends in keywords that will help you position yourself in your niche.

It is always advisable to be informed about the hot topics and write about them instead of repeating the content that abounds on the Internet.

Incentivize your fans to engage with your posts

Enticing your followers to engage with your posts is an effective way to increase your organic reach. The more interactions and reactions your posts have, buy Facebook photo like the better they will be positioned by Facebook in the news feed of your audience.

You can generate surveys, questions, challenges, etc. Get creative: Most people who come to Facebook are looking for entertainment. If you manage to generate interesting posts —which also invite people to participate and comment—, your organic reach will increase naturally.

Share interesting videos on Facebook

Content in video format has achieved great success today.

Users prefer them and stop in their feed to watch them without having to play them: now the playback functionality is automatic.

To optimize these videos we recommend using:

  • Subtitles.
  • Animations.
  • Voice or background music.
  • Visual elements to capture the attention of your followers.

Remember: the more eye-catching your video is, the more people will see it and, above all, will stay watching until the end.

Use Facebook Live

Streaming is another format that has gained significant relevance in recent times. Users can spend 3 times more time watching live videos than traditional videos buy Facebook photo like.

If you want to improve your organic reach, start live streaming. You can promote your live on your various platforms to generate expectation and interest. Stream for several minutes to get the video to appear in News Feed.

Diagnosis of my fan page

One of the most important parts of running a successful Facebook marketing strategy is monitoring metrics and evaluating the performance of your posts.

Why doesn’t my facebook page have organic reach?

As we mentioned before, Facebook has been introducing changes over time with the aim that users see content according to their interests.

That is why, in order for your fan page to have a greater organic reach, you must put into practice the various strategies that we show you throughout this article. In this way, you can create relevant content and encourage people to interact with your posts to reach a larger audience.


In order for all your followers to be able to view your posts organically buy Facebook photo like, you must invest time in them and apply various actions focused on the content in great detail.

The main point is —and always will be— to create content that captivates your audience. To achieve this, you must get to know her in depth, analyze her tastes and interests, and generate material that is connected to her needs.

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Tips To Keep In Mind When You Want To Buy Facebook Photo Likes

Online business is one of the great ways local retail shop can increase loyalty to their products and sales as well. Facebook is one of the perfect places where you can use to market a business and engage with clients. For instant, you can buy facebook photo likes and see how you can make your business gain followers that you won’t even imagine. There are great marketers who can help you to achieve all this in just a matter of few weeks where your business will be trending in this highly popular site. This is a great place you can let people see your innovative ways that you have come up with to increase more sales.

This is one of the great marketing techniques that both new and established business should use to market their products. It is not only cheap to buy facebook photo likes fast but is also an effective way of capturing interest of the clients. With only paying a few dollars you can turn your business into a popular spot where people will be discussing about the business. You should never under estimate the impact that facebook can bring into your business since it is a website that has a following of people from all pats of the world and it is accessed by millions of people at any given minute.

You can turn these people to your client through innovative way of marketing which include use of posting photos of the products that you sell. If you don’t know how to make people follow your page then you should seek the services of experts who will definitely make it possible to make your page attractive for facebook users and buy facebook photo likes.  The main challenge that many businesses face is trying to employ the use of social media marketing is how they can attract people to like their page. This should not be the case since there are many professional companies waiting for you to popularize your site.

All you will need to do is to search for companies that offer social media marketing services like to buy facebook photo likes cheap on the internet and there is no doubt that you will find impressive results. However, you should ensure that you keep in mind several things before going ahead to hire a company. First it should have the necessary experience that it can show to prove that it is capable of handling your social marketing services. You can request for the company to show you past clients that they have helped to popularize their services or product on any social media site. They should show that they have a team that cannot only increase traffic on your page but can also increase the fan base for your business.

Also, before going ahead to buy facebook photo likes cheap you should also ensure that you check reputation of the company that you hire. Some firms that offer internet marketing services do not have a good reputation. Companies like these ones should not be given any opportunity if you intend to start on a good foot. You should not give a trial and error since you are the one who is likely to lose big. Another area which is important to look is the cost of the services of social media marketing. Although cheap is the way many may love to go you should also know of an English saying “cheap is expensive”.

This means that you may find at the end of the day having spend more from companies advertising themselves as the cheapest. It is always good to ensure that there are no hidden charges on the packages that you buy facebook photo likes and you and the company are reading on the same script before going ahead to sign a contractual agreement with the marketer. Ensure that you have asked all the necessary questions pertaining payment of services and what will be covered and this will avoid misunderstandings between the marketing company and you. Another great thing that you should consider is the mode of marketing that is going to be used.

When you buy facebook photo likes for a photo on your facebook page may sound just alright you should know if it is done in a careless manner could work negatively on your page. People who use facebook will usually like to go where they find relevant information or content that they are interested. This therefore means that the marketer should be very innovative in technique which is going to be used to attract facebook users. The high the number of people who will like your page the more the sales your business will make and consequently the profits.

Therefore it is very important for you to know what to expect from the company that you hire in term of exposure of your page on this site. The audience of your page should also be targeted in such away that they will be your expected customers. A marketer should be able to bring a huge number of people who are likely to buy products from the business. It should not be the case where a page is full of fans who are not even interested in what the business is offering as it could translate to nothing in term of profitability.

Another critical area to consider when you want to buy facebook photo likes uk is the period it is going to take to achieve its objective. Stay away from those companies claiming to bring a million like for your facebook page within a day as this is not possible. Also, you are bound to be blacklisted or your page suspended due to unethical marketing procedure. A good company will not be able to give you an instant solution, but will take sometime to achieve whatever you are looking for. Through following the tips to buy facebook photo likes  as discussed above you can be able to find an appropriate company that will make your facebook page not only popular but also help in establishing new clients from.