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Buy 500 Facebook Post Likes Tips to Increase Engagement with Your Customers

As you know, engagement is the ability of a brand or a company to create a solid relationship with consumers. For many, it is a temporary situation, however, this engagement must have a long-term objective, buy 500 Facebook post likes since it is one of the causes of loyalty. To achieve this engagement, it is necessary to know the consumer beforehand, and then carry out an action plan that enhances it. In this post I present 4 tips to achieve and improve engagement with your customers. Are you interested? Here we go.

Buy 500 Facebook post likes engagement is a word that became fashionable as a result of the explosion of social networks. In the beginning, all of us who began to work on marketing in this new medium that emerged, needed to measure the actions in one way or another. We started with counting the likes, the comments, etc, and we continued with the engagement, which at the beginning we obtained through a formula in which we added the number of likes, the number of comments and the number of times the post was shared, We divided it by the number of people who saw the post and multiplied it by 100. At the time, Facebook put out its own engagement ratio for a while, which caused this term to spread like the flu virus.

Today, it is used for almost everything, and in the Era of ‘ Customer First ‘ this engagement has been revalued by 1,000, because if this identified, personalized and cared-for customer manages to have an engagement with our brand, it means that we can have a loyal customer, and what is even more important, a possible prescriber.

You may ask, yes, but how do you get it? In short, fostering a stable, long-lasting and deep relationship with your client and with your target, offering them a differential value, facilitating interaction with them in a personalized way, and giving them special treatment.

Next, I show you 4 tips to achieve this engagement, convert your customers into Brand lovers and direct them towards the next step: the prescription.

4 tips to encourage engagement

As I have told you, most ‘ marketers’ focus on engagement in the field of social networks, however, this must go much further buy 500 Facebook post likes. The tips that I present to you below are oriented at 360º, despite starting with the social media. Are these:

#1. Be the most popular friend on social networks.

One of the things that most influences achieving high engagement is the interaction and communication with your users. Social networks are an ideal place for this, since they are based precisely on that: interaction.

The objective that every brand should have in this medium is “to be the most popular friend”, how?

  • Be active and respond to all comments made on your profile, and outside of it. To do this, I recommend that you use a social listening tool, buy 500 Facebook post likes which allows you to monitor at all times what is being said about your brand or company on social networks and to be able to actively respond to comments, both positive and negative. And it is that most companies use social networks as another means on which to spread a statement that interests them. Without encouraging conversation, which is really what makes this medium powerful. To do this, talk face to face with your followers, ask for their advice, respond immediately and encourage dialogue. Only in this way, the rest of the people will understand that it is a brand that responds to you and talks with you, creating the much-desired engagement.
  • Use wit and humor in your contributions. Keep in mind that users use social networks to entertain themselves and pass the time in moments of waiting, not for brands to sell them something in a moment that they consider to be private. If you use humor, complicity with them, news and the situation, you can use that moment that users experience to attract them to your brand from a different point of view. We all know the degree of engagement that @guardiacivil’s Twitter profile has achieved in which he uses posts in which he mixes humor with practical advice and recommendations. Thanks to this way of communicating with citizens, they have achieved more than 1.3 million followers and engagement levelsamazing.
  • Create original and impressive visual content. According to Buzzsumo, adding visuals to a Facebook post results in a 2.3x higher engagement rate than not. In the world of Twitter, making a post with an image or only with text means that the image generates 150% more retweets.
  • Create more and more content in video format. If you are already sharing attractive images on Facebook and Instagram, mainly, and you are obtaining an interesting level of engagement for your brand, but you want to take it to the next level, video is your format. Think that publishing a video among the rest of your content brings an incredible freshness to your weekly publication schedule on social networks. However, it is important that you know one thing. Post videos if they are going to add value to your brand, if they are going to be impressive, and if they have a notoriety component. If not, don’t share videos just for posting, because you won’t get the expected results.
  • Schedule your content to be published at the times that work best. It is essential that you test in what time slots your audience usually connects and thus be able to obtain a better response to your publications. The best times to post are often different based on the industries, time zone, and demographics you’re targeting. Also, the best time slot to post will vary depending on the social platform. On Facebook it is usually between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekends, Twitter on weekdays from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., while Instagram any day from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • Use the hashtags that are trending. If you know how to use them well, they can give your posts quite an amplification, as well as an increase in engagement with your audience, since they may take those hashtags as their own and use them in their personal posts. These hashtags also make it easier to find your content.
  • Organize contests and raffles on the different platforms in which you participate. These are quite an interesting means of creating engagement and reaching potential followers. If you know how to create a good contest, you can use it to generate more content on your social profile, through the participants, making your action even more viral, and considerably increasing engagement.
  • Create live videos. Facebook or Instagram through their live versions, allow you to broadcast live videos. These, in addition to being a fundamental element of engagement with the brand, the tool creates a notice every time someone is broadcasting live, thus increasing the reach.

#2. Practice Inbound Marketing.

One of the greatest qualities that inbound marketing has is its ability to generate engagement with your leads and customers. How can you get it? Continuously sharing valuable content with them, mainly through email.

Normally it is usually done in what is called Lead Nurturing. This is based on keeping those leads and customers “warm” and in contact with the brand through useful, original content that adds value. In this way, they will consider the brand more as a knowledge provider to turn to when their services or products are needed, than as a brand that only wants you to buy something from them.

The levels of engagement that can be generated if you do this correctly, through a good CRM and by automating all shipments, can be very high.

#3. Talk to your customers.

In an online world, in which in the end we run the risk of losing sight of the human side, being able to talk to a person on the other side who knows how to correctly represent the company image and transmit its values ​​by giving personal treatment is essential.

You can achieve this by putting a qualified Contact Center team on your side who, for example, regularly carry out satisfaction surveys, ask your customers about their experiences with your brand or simply thank them for staying loyal to it.

Another excellent option is the video call. This is revolutionizing personalized attention in the online world, through personalization and humanization in an environment full of bots. This consists of offering the brand’s online store the possibility of contacting a specialized agent for free and without the need to install any software. When the agent receives the user’s contact request, the user calls him by phone immediately, and opens a webcam where he can see the agent, as well as chat with him and share images, videos, even files. The extra element of this service is that the agent can add a second camera, through which that same agent or another located in a showroom or in any other place, shows the user the product or service that he requests, solving all The doubts. Wannasee, a video call tool.

#4. Use Business Intelligence to get to know your customers better and find out what hooks them the most with your brand.

There is no doubt that, if you know what moves your customers to engage more with your brand and fall in love with it, using it in a personalized way will help a lot to increase that engagement.

Thanks to the data, but above all to Customer Intelligence and ultimately, Data Science , you can create types of customers that help you communicate with them in a more personalized way, thus promoting, and based on their tastes, interests or channels preferred to communicate with you, buy 500 Facebook post likes interact with your brand, and ultimately achieve that link with your brand.

Why are you more successful when you give a gift to a childhood friend than when you give it to the company’s invisible friend? Exactly. Knowing your friend’s tastes helps you, and getting it right increases that link or engagement with him.

A high engagement ensures that if you do your job well in terms of loyalty actions, your customers repeat with your brand and become prescribers. To achieve this, it is necessary that you have a CRM that helps you maintain that business intelligence that allows you and helps you reach levels that you did not consider before. If you are looking to achieve that long-awaited engagement and you don’t know where to start, talk to us. We have many things to tell you.